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What's the reason you're single?

long story shot, GF left me. She rediscovered herself when she moved out of town (she didn't move far, but getting out on her own changed her) and she just kinda lost her feelings for me. So here I am, looking for someone to watch anime with.
Nov 01, 14 at 4:00pm
Age, location, interests, not out going enough, a bit over weight, etc. Most girls over the age of 25 aren't into anime or gaming any longer and don't want a gamer for a bf.
Cause I'm very shy, submissive, and I pretend to be a little kid most of the time x,x
Because asshole, stuckup women refuse to give me a fucking chance. I'm not good enough. I'm never fucking good enough. I feel like I'm so fucking ugly, I mean, I've been rejected so fucking much there HAS to be something fucking wrong with me. I'm tired of all the fucking asshole guys getting all the girls. I'm tired of all the douchebags getting chance after chance, when I can't fucking get one. Good guys never fucking get anywhere, so take it from me, be a douchebag, cheating, abusive fucking guy and you'll have women flocking to you. #FuckingPissed #DidntMeanToSoundWoeIsMe #DepressedThough
I am shy at times and a lot of people around here thinks im odd for watch anime J-Drama and Power Rangers lol also the one person that I did trust we don't talk anymore.
School comes first.
It's okay I think I know how you feel Jiko. Closest I got to a relationship was when a friend introduced me to one of her friends. Apparently she had a douchebaggy bf and she told her I was a really nice guy. A week of texts and talking on the phone we finally got to hang out one day. Something was off that day... She just seemed really out of it and uninterested. I made her Hello Kitty Cupcakes and she didn't take one... our day got cut short because she had to go take care of her sick dad. She was super unresponsive text wise and finally after like another whole week my friend tells me "she likes guys who are more extrovert, I'm sorry" I was like nothing but super nice, we got along, but I wasn't outgoing enough, that's it. So anyway I guess I'm single because I'm not outgoing enough. :/
I'm single because all I the boys I start to like never like me back. Either it's because they think of me as a friend or because they don't want to date a mixed girl
I'm Socially awkward. And I'm not attractive
i seem to always attact women who only want to use me for their benefit :/
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