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What's the reason you're single?

Darn you Hirakuga now I'm going to be stuck here collecting my thoughts and writing a dissertation on your post for the next half an hour! Here goes. I suppose I used to struggle with the identity thing a bit several years ago, but anymore I pretty well understand myself and even understand the changes that are happening and that are about to happen. So I can't speak too much on identity struggles, since I no longer know what it feels like, but I'm fired up to talk about change! I am a firm believer in change. Since no one is perfect, every human on the planet who has ever lived, lives now, or will live, has room for improvement. Imperfection isn't necessarily a bad thing, and it's something we all have to accept, but overcoming those imperfections is often a noble (but challenging) goal. It's not something to be feared or hated, so long as it's positive change. The fact of the matter is that people are always changing, bit by bit here and there and while you identity may remain the same at it's core, some people undergo drastic transformations. Life happens, people get depressed or put on weight or get injured or fired and so on and so forth, and then life happens again and they find happiness, get in shape, recover, get a better job, learn new things or find new talents, etc etc. It can be random and unpredictable, and if you just let it happen however it will happen it's likely you'll draw the short end of the stick. I think you're absolutely right that positive change should be nurtured, and it both can and should be a deliberate effort. I can tell you from experience that sometimes it's expensive and time consuming to reach your goals (especially when you make mistakes first that put you even further away), but that shouldn't stop anyone from trying. And even if you reach those goals and find something comfortable, why not go another step and do even better? We've only got one life, so why not make it the best we can? You won't stop being yourself just because you improve yourself, in fact you'll just be you with even more desirable qualities. I've undergone many changes, some drastic, some negative, some positive, and remained "me" all the while. So don't let anyone convince you that you shouldn't change if it's what you want. It doesn't mean you are unstable, it just means you are growing. If you have opinions and find better ones later, you don't have to stubbornly hold on to yours for no reason. You can change your mind. People do it every day in subtle ways. In fact you should be more stable and trustworthy than ever, if you're actively pursuing positive changes in your life. You're going somewhere, doing something. Even if you don't go far, it's better than going nowhere at all. Change is part of living.
Haha, it's what I live for. I sometimes tell myself that I shouldn't pursue an education in Psychology because it's an incredibly popular field of study in most colleges these days. But I can't help it because of what we just discussed. That constant flux of perceptions is something I feel passionate about and I love to observe the evolution of it over time. But I'm going to educate myself in it regardless of whether the degree will be useful or not. But back to the topic, I totally agree sir. Perfection isn't a goal that can be obtained, only pursued.
Yes angel, not that I don't love having sex, but an emotional connection is important. Yes I want someone to share my life with and someone to come home to.
I've seen a lot of your posts vampy and I noticed that we're quite alike so even though I didn't quite understand your previous comment it was quite easy to figure it out XD A lot of people I know thinks that beauty and sex is everything to a relationship. But never stand still to what it has to offer, something way more beautifull and way more important than what sex can ever give you. I always thought love and sex goes together but sadly enough that is the most ridiculous (<- so misspelled that XD ) thing I have ever thought.
Jul 26, 14 at 1:44am
For some reason im just not interested in girls smaller than me or same age as me......... i like older woman......and the fact i don't go out much after work.......
I am a home loving person so I don't go out that much seeing people. I either don't visit bars on weekends and try to meet girls - I don't drink so places like that are not really a high interest for me. And even if I would go, I would probably be too shy and don't know what to talk about with them. I would have to go with some of my male friends (don't have any female gender friends) who might be more social/talkative.
I never go out to meet new people, considering I live in a town/city filled with mostly older people. Let's just say most people up here, that I've met anyway, don't exactly see eye-to-eye with me. I wouldn't mind that so much if they didn't insult my views that differed from theirs. Also, I have yet to meet anyone that I've been interested in since high school.
1. I don't really go out. 2. Not really social. 3. I live in a small village so there's nobody my age. 4. It's really hard to find people with similar interest's as my in my country. 5. I am the kind of people other people replace after some time.
Jul 28, 14 at 11:47pm
Age, location, interests, introverted, etc. I've ranted about it many times before on here. :p
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