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What's the reason you're single?

This thread went totally the other direction XD There is no up or down it's a void of random hell.
Isn't that how it always works? You did say you wanted this thread to stop. .. So... <img src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRi1NkTSN_CkMIpFhgjRuu8A6jVNwleD_MfWvWwFbGb9gjFXXLGQMOY__v2"></img>
annnnnd now I unfollow this thread, my inbox exploded :S
52 GOT DAMN Messages! I love it, keep the thread going. @jineko that's harsh. No one should get into a relationship out of mere pity for someone. He's a narcissistic a**hole who doesn't deserve what he wants because he'll just end up abusing it.
@jikokun - Is it possible to delete a thread? o.O? Speaking of Spider-Man - I dislike the trailers for the new movie.. It showed pretty much everything about the movie.. I want some kind of surprise / suspense. @Broketoon - My inbox has exploded since I started this thread. I often get the misconception that people are commenting on my profile. False hopes LOL @jineko - Anyone that gets what they want and it's still not enough - When they finally get enough - They seek validity in the things they have or own. When there is none - It's all taken away or it blows up in their face - Karma is awesome
<img src="http://rs907.pbsrc.com/albums/ac280/Global_Chat/sleepingmods.png~320x480"></img>
Get back to Spider-Man - That subject is cooler.
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