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What's the reason you're single?

Stellalina, being fat should not be a reason why your single. I've seen plenty of people who are fat and still get boyfriends and girlfriends. I was not one of those fat people but I still had people who wanted to go out with me even though I was fat. The reason I remained single was because I was holding myself back to new relationships. I was scared of being rejected or I thought that deep down everyone hated me, but that was not the case. I spent my whole high school years in seclusion, self pity (You should have checked out my pity parties, they were awesome), and hating myself. It carried over to college but I was able to stop myself and realize that if I truly wanted to change then I would have to start today and not tomorrow. I got up and started running, for my life and myself, not for anyone else to look at me. If you see your weight as an obstacle, then get rid of it. Now that I'm not so overweight I'm still single. Want to know why? It's because I don't give myself the opportunity to let others come close, but I'm working on changing that now too. Don't stand in your own way, believe in yourself. Have ambition and the will to change, then persevere.
I'm single because I'm not attractive, and I suck at holding a conversation that's not about video games,anime or books X_X.
I'm single because I want to be relationships are to much of a hassle
This thread needs to stop lol
agreed lol...
But this is the hookup thread where everyone says they are single, but nobody talks to anyone else! It's the most ironic thread on the site.
Being the person that started it - I agree. I actually had no idea it'd last this long to be frank.
Im keeping it going by posting. :(
I tend to not hit on males very often, so its not so much an ironic thread as depressing :S... the females are either under 17, or according to me "nearest matches" on the other side of the world lol...
You know you want some of that jail bait ass. That's why the site keeps pushing them down our throats :/
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