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What's the reason you're single?

i'm signal cuz it seem that ever time i get into a relationship the lady change her opinion of me i ask before i get in to a relationship is are you sure you can deal with me cuz i love anime and i talk about it alot but sigh it always ends the same my longest relationship was 2 years after it seem to be getting shorter and shorter
Punctuation man, it helps. To comment on your problem, try not to focus all your attention on anime, try and take some of that and focus it on them. Liking anime is one thing, but being obsessed won't get you anywhere. Try and talk about things they are interested in, do things with them sometimes that isn't anime related. Remember, It's a give and take. And don't freak then our in the beginning, telling them you are obsessed with anime. You at least want a shout before you scare them away :p
Mar 01, 14 at 11:22pm
Truth be told, I've never pursued being in a relationship until recently, as in the last year and a half. This in part due to my home city. It is not well designed at all and finding places to meet singles was severely difficult. It was literally, if I didn't go to a bar, I couldn't find someone. I don't drink, so I never bothered. Additionally, I have almost completely given up on my dream career because I found out that it was a 5 year maximum position. I vowed I would never date someone for them to be ripped from my arms for overseas work, partially because not everyone likes/wants to move overseas. Lastly, because I haven't found someone that I resonated with. I meet plenty of people and they generally become my friends, but it is rare for me to find someone I actually care about. I've confessed twice in the past, but both were one-sided and nothing became of them. I think one basically ended a friendship. Now, I'm trying online dating because I doubt I'll find someone in person anytime soon. I also have zero experience dating...but isn't it about having fun with someone you care about?
I like this mune guy. I'm here for us bro. Set up a picture and let the ladies roll in! But seriously, The people here are pretty cool. Some are angsty, some laid back, Some dorky, but they're all good people! I'm sure you will find someone who likes you for you!
I'm Single because i am bad at making normal conversation, (Mainly for the fear of getting too formal and odding them out). Plus i don't really have a shot in the real world because i'd rather be to myself and a lot of people i am around do things i don't want to partake... OR they are too awesome to even friend.. but mainly, I am lazy and could care less.
well, some of us on here are awesome! you can be friends with us too :D TOGETHER ALONE!
I would have to say it's a mixture of being shy, my past experiences and being busy. It was a while ago that I thought to myself, "I don't need someone to make me miserable, I can do that on my own if needed." So, I just stopped dating. It's almost been 2 years.
Mar 02, 14 at 12:17pm
Its good to see this thread still going. If you guys are looking for tips i highly recomend DR.nerdlove Hes a nerdy dating coach whose lessons help you not only find love but also help you pull yourself together.
Xusagix, there are good people out there! Your past experiences might have sucked, but it gets better. Mine were pretty shitty too, but it's all about picking up and knowing someone better will come along n Plus, You are 30, shy, and cute! Just sayin' :p
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