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What's the reason you're single?

I am just not the kind of guy that hangs out and meets new people often.
I was married for 7 years, then she cheated on me, now I live with my 10 month old son. Life moves on, I'm trying to as well...^_^'
I tend to chase people away and creep them out. And I talk too much.
Cuz all that see is ether a contry boy or a fat nerd ho watches cartoons (anime) and nobody try's to see the real me thay just juge ware I come from or wat I like. Nobody try's to see past the cover.
Except for the country boy part I have to go with what Manga_Man395 said. I also do not have a job and live with my father. The economy has really put our family in a problematic situation. I personally believe most women do not want a chubby guy. And if that is the case that is their problem. I don't mind waiting for the right woman who sees passed that as I do. However, I won't be this chubby guy for long. I am working out to join the Navy and better myself. Use my military check to help my family, buy myself a nice normal house. Get the dog I have always wanted to be a part of my family. Manga_Man, I hope you find someone nice. To be honest, we should not waste our time on such ignorant minds and shallow women. Vice-versa for the ladies. Nice people like us don't need people like "those" around. It'll be their loss.
I'm not too sure myself. Maybe I'm just too awkward and weird in real life lol
Feb 09, 14 at 7:29pm
I'm single cause I talk too much probably. >_> I love acting like an idiot to make people laugh, doesn't mean I am one Lol. .__.
We all must be the only ones who love awkwardness and weirdness and people who act like idiots to make people laugh isawesome. How else would I enjoy a good laugh watching someone chase a car with a katana?
Feb 09, 14 at 11:38pm
Despite the fact we are all otaku, conventional rules of attraction still apply. When I say attraction I don't just mean looks. The subject matter is different but the basic concepts of social power, agency/instrumentality, and leadership apply. Those who are develop social skills and show various other appealing skills (within their field, ours being anime/manga fandom) have more social power and are naturally more attractive to others. This plays on the natural human mechanic to find leaders and intelligence(or the ability to survive whatever circumstances exist)more attractive. Its subconscious and everyone has it, those who say they dont are either naive, or have been conditioned from birth to act against it (most people say they have been, but lets not lie to ourselves that's just not true). Hope that helps.
It's because I'm ugly as sin. True story.
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