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What's the reason you're single?

Hmm, not so much anymore. When you had hit college, it was easier for me to open up to people. XD But back then, I know the feeling of being around too many normal people.
heh good for you. ツ I miss the feeling of being together with friends you can open up to! you are so lucky! >:D
I've sort of went back to my secluded self unless I'm back home. Which that doesn't bother me, I dislike being around people usually anyways just cause of partly the way I was raised. But, I can only really call my friends now unless I take leave from base and go home. @Blackmage, you'll find that close friend one day. They're always people out there that are almost practically like you and you'll never expect who it is.
I hope that too but the world is big and the question is will I ever find them in a world full of people who already have enough friends? ┐('~`;)┌ I still hope I will meet someone here (´∀`)
A lot of my friends keep moving away so it's not the same. ;A; It sucks. I still talk to them..but eh. I miss seeing everyone!
It sucks when a friend move away specially far away but hey! at least you are still friends with them :)
I'm not single anymore, I met my boyfriend on this site :0
Yeah. I'm actually on facetime with her now. :3
Well, I have a few really close friends that actually call me or talk to me still. Most of them I grew up with. Still, over the years regardless of being being self secluded, people tend to somehow come around me XD. Apparently, I'm the guy everyone wants to tell their problems to about.
the reason i am single is probably because I am too shy. I do realize it, when guys are flirting with me, or at least I think they do XD, but I am too shy to talk to them, and when they approach me i just get so nervous, and don´t know what to say, how it would look, when i say this, or that and so on... Additionally to this I never know, what to do, when guys are hitting on me, and just try to kiss me... I mean i just knew them for what?... 10 Minutes or so, and then they suddenly want to do that... I don´t know if I am strange, but i would like to really know the person and at least talk about him so that i know who this guy really is but most guys aren´t that talkaktive...
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