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What's the reason you're single?

Probably single because I'm not exactly looking for a relationship. o 3o I'm far too shy to meet people. And when I do find someone I'm interested in, it doesn't end too well for me. I'm no stranger to the dreaded friendzone.
@urtv_unit667: You're pretty! So it's gotta be that shyness, and I'm sure the guys are shy with you too. But I know what it's like to end up friend zoned and for relationships to end poorly. So just keep trying! I bet you'll find someone attractive that loves you haha
Thanks! ; - ; You give me hope!
i end up there ofthen then they dont talk to me animore its more of a fuck you i dont want to talk to you any more zone i get most of the time.
@urtv_unit667: I'm glad! I'm a firm believer that there is not just one, but multiple people out there for everyone. It's just a matter of keeping up hope and keep the confidence up!
Oct 16, 13 at 4:45pm
@urtv_unit667 What AMDarely is saying is very true, your actually very pretty so it has to be how shy you are, trust me if you were more aggresive you'd realize how many guys would be willing to date your be in a relationship with you. As they say you have nothing to lose so why not give it a try, you learn from trial and error for these things and your learn what works and what doesnt. @leonix If they dont want to talk to you fuck em they clearly arent worth even being your friend, trying changing up your approach. Start with small talk establish a connection or common interest and slow branch out, also dont force yourself into anything let it transition smoothly.
Oct 16, 13 at 5:11pm
I'm single because I like oranges more than people. No. I'm kidding. I'm single due to the fact that I live in the sticks and I'm one of the only people who like Japanese pop culture in my school. I don't like to use labels, but people consider me "scene," and the misinformed call me "emo." So, in a small school of country-loving hunters; I'm the token weird girl; though I'm outgoing and get along with everybody. I'm simply not good enough to date. Do you understand what I mean? There's also the fact that anyone who likes me mutually ends up going for one of my best friends.
@Aika: Uh. Yes. I COMPLETELY understand! I was called scene and emo a majority of high school and every guy I've liked or dated has ended up falling for my best friend! I even know what it's like to live in a "country" loving school, but thankfully, I was able to escape during high school. Sadly? I traded them out for rich preps. Not sure which one was worse haha >.<
Oct 16, 13 at 5:27pm
@AMDarely Thank gawd someone else knows my feels. ;__; *hugs* And I don't know which is worse to be honest! ;-; I'm really easy to talk to but I guess people find my colorful looks intimidating.. .-. xD I'm a sophomore so I'm stuck for a while eh-heh. How did you survive darling? Bands are beginning to not keep me going anymore. I've fallen into an endless cycle of manic depression because of my life at home and such things. Woah I'm getting off topic. cx
dont worry what other people say or think, just be yourself, and the overly used quote "theres many other fish in the sea"
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