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What's the reason you're single?

I've been focused on my career up till now. To love, to hate; these things didn't seem as important to me. I may have missed a few chances, but I don't regret it. I'm working to become a man that will be worthy of my future co-conspirator.
Im too intimidatingly good looking, so girls wont come over and talk to me.....of course... -_-
I got a fantastic shirt for a birthday present from friends. It says: Reason why I'm single [] Picky [] Hideous [x] Dick too big, might kill someone I think they got it from Spencers. That's when you know you have good friends, they will know all the offensive shirts you would love to have.
My reasons, - Too geeky for some (my area isn't persay geek friendly.) - Somewhat busy schedule with Work and School. - Kinda Picky when it comes to women. - Only date atleast 21, 18 but only on very rare cases. Personally I am still looking but working on managing my life first. If I can't take care of myself how the hell am I going to take care of a relationship.
Well i'm a Otaku and Gamer nerd and that doesn't appeal to most woman in my area. The ones that it does, are already taken. I am kinda out of shape too XD, and alot of woman judge the book by it's cover. But i keep strong and hope to find a woman that enjoys the same stuff i do(Anime and gaming) but we can also show each other new things. It would be nice to find a girl in this cold weather and cuddle up and watch anime :3. I'm a dreamer.
Social awkwardness, dense when it comes to flirting signals, and until recently it hasn't been very high on my list of important things.
I've had many a bad run ins with guys, so I've got some trust issues. Plus, guys just really don't ever seem to be interested in me. I'm too "weird" for them or something like that haha
AMDarely, I think I can safely say this, you speak for everyone here with that. Girls around my area think I'm a wee bit too geeky and weird for them. Like I am a big pill to swallow or something.
I know, right?? So I like Loli, Cosplay, and Anime... It's not that weird...
I don't consider myself actually single as I have a animal companions, Horses, Donkeys, Wallabies, Parrots, that I share loving relationships with. In regard to what I'm looking for, which I haven't found yet, would be partners who can think and are open to a gal like me.
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