random chatter me
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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random chatter me
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Aww that sucks. We had a chicken once that tried to build a miniature stonehenge but everyone was like 'Hey chicken, dont be silly, you cant build a replica stonehenge, you dont have hands' but it just looked at the crowd and kept trying. 3 hours later it gave up, disappeared into the bushes and was never seen again!
missladyebe @missladyebe
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random chatter me
missladyebe @missladyebe
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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random chatter me
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
missladyebe @missladyebe
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random chatter me
missladyebe @missladyebe
pie is a good thing
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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random chatter me
SimonSan @simonsanbr
There was this other time when a troupe of circus midgets went missing in a theme park and started their own mini-town using underground tunnels between rides to navigate around. They stole food from the birds that stole food from people to live on until eventually they got bored flew off into space. No-one knows where they went...
missladyebe @missladyebe
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random chatter me
missladyebe @missladyebe
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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random chatter me
SimonSan @simonsanbr
I could tell you about 3 serial killers and a once famous world champion boxer whose career ended pretty crappily recently, all from the same town I live, but that would be true....
missladyebe @missladyebe
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random chatter me
missladyebe @missladyebe
SimonSan @simonsanbr
commented on
random chatter me
SimonSan @simonsanbr
You asked for random!
missladyebe @missladyebe
commented on
random chatter me
missladyebe @missladyebe
yes, yes i did i should take it
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