Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
Salie made his way back to the bridge and made his way to Xishi’s house, Xishi’s mother Rina was standing on the front steps sweeping, she was turned the other way when Rina said, “Hello, Salie. Xishi said you would be by she is in the backyard.” she turned to face him and frowned. “Are you ok you look worried?” Rina asked.
“Yeah I’m ok its just something happened today that I didn’t expect.” Salie said.
“Kaylee found you didn’t she?” Rina said.
“Yes… You know her?” Salie said amazed that a link to his past had been here all along.
“Of course I know her, she is your older sister.” Rina said matter-of-factly, “I knew you both when you were babies.”
“Y-You knew who I was?” Salie pressed.
“That you are the prince and rightful claimant to the throne of the Yukis’ Empire? Yes I knew. And me and Xion have kept it a secret from everyone around here. We wanted you to stay safe for as long as we could manage.” Rina explained.
“Then you knew my parents and where I came from?” Salie asked, tears starting to well up in his eyes.
“Your father’s name was Tai Shi, you look just like he did minus the scar on his left eye plus his eyes were emerald green and yours are jade. Your mother’s name was Misha and she was one of my best friends. A good, gentle woman. You were born and raised in the Royal Palace.” Rina confirmed then she turned to go back into the house, “That’s enough for now, Kaylee should answer your questions. Xishi is waiting on you young man. Don’t keep my daughter waiting.” Rina said with a smile before she disappear into the house.

Ushio @ushioryuusei
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
Ushio @ushioryuusei
Besides a few grammer issues the second chapter seems good but this is my opinion but wouldn't it seem a little odd how Rina just happens to know all of this

silverokumura @silverokumura
commented on
Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
not really there is a reason she knows i think it shows up in the next chapter

Ushio @ushioryuusei
commented on
Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
Ushio @ushioryuusei
I'll hold you to your word sir

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
I am going to uploading pics from the story on my profile every once in a while... I just added a pic of Xishi go check it out

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
Chapter 3:
Salie walked around the back of the house where Xishi sat staring at the sky from her family's sparring ring. Salie smiled as he watched her for a moment, she looked really at peace, her hair fluttering in the breeze.
"Yo, Xishi!" Salie called startling her.
"Salie! You scared me!" Xishi said her face already turning a bright red.
"Thought you said you were coming by later tonight?" Xishi questioned.
"Got finished with the job sooner than I thought." Salie explained, helping her to her feet.
"So what do you want to practice today? Salie asked.
"M-maybe we could spar?" Xishi suggested.
"Ok. Get ready Xishi!" Salie said taking his martial stance.
Xishi did the same. Salie tried to sweep her legs but she jumped over and kicked him in the shoulder knocking him off balance. He quickly recovered, "Good defense Xishi." Salie praised.
Xishi blushed but stayed focused on the fight.
Rina and Xion watched from the house. "He reminds me of Tai Shi so much. So handsome yet kind of clueless sometimes." Rina giggled.
"He knows who he is now?" Xion asked watching them with concern.
"Only a little. It seems that memory seal is still in place so he doesn't know whether Kaylee is telling the truth. Perhaps we should go visit her ourselves, hmm dear?" Rina suggested.
"Good idea." Xion said, then he went back to watching the match. "She never looks happier than when she is with him."
"Yes, I felt like that around Tai Shi. She certainly takes after her mother. Wouldn't you say, dear?” Rina pointed out.
"Yes, very much so. Just as beautiful as you." Xion said as they left to visit Kaylee.
Salie charged Xishi and overcompensated, they both fell to the ground.

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
"Ow. Xishi, are you ok?" Salie said pushing himself up, opening his eyes. He had landed on top of Xishi and she was pinned under him.
"Y-yes big brother, I am ok." she said avoiding eye contact, blushing a deep red. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and pull herself into his embrace and to kiss him. To tell him how she felt but as usual she just could not find enough courage.
Just then a voice called out, "Salie-sama! Are you here?" Salie's ears perked up at the familiar voice. The owner, a richly dressed female Lobo with braided mahogany colored hair and yellow eyes rounded the corner, , "Oh, here you are. I do not mind you taking a mistress." the girl mused, looking down at the scene with a sassy smirk.
Salie and Xishi quickly separated, "Hello Kinich-sama, this is not what it looks like." Xishi said embarrassed.
"I know what it is." Kinich said with a sly smile, "Come on Salie-sama let us get you and Xishi to your feet." Kinich helped Salie to his feet, then Xishi.
"Hi Kinich, what are you doing here?" Salie asked.
"Looking for you of course." Kinich said, running her fingers along Salie's chest. Xishi glared over at Kinich with visible discomfort, which the Lobo princess promptly ignored.
"Mind if I watch?" Kinich asked as she took a seat on a post, she crossed her legs and leaned forward with interest.
“If you want princess." Salie said as he took his place back on the sparring field, "Once again Xishi!" Salie commanded.

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
Meanwhile Rina and Xion arrived at Kaylee's cabin. Shadilos sat just outside the front door.
"Who goes there?!" he demanded.
"Rina Sai and Xion Huon." Rina said, bowing her head slightly to the white haired kitsune.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"We know Kaylee Kintaro is here and we want to talk to her." Rina said placing her hands on her hips. She was getting impatient with the questions.
"How do you know mistress Kaylee?" Shadilos asked.
Rina moved her hand quickly to the side and a strong gust of wind blew Shadilos against the wall of the house.
"No more questions!" Rina commanded.
"What my wife means to say is if we wanted to harm Kaylee we could have done so by now." Xion said.
Kaylee came out of the cabin, "Ah miss Rina, it has been a long time." she said as she ran up and hugged Rina.
"And Xion you are looking well. I did not know you two had moved here." Kaylee said to the black haired Yuki.
"We did about a decade ago. Imagine our surprise to find the crown prince here with no memories of who he is." Rina said, with crossed arms.
"So you know about Salie?" Kaylee mused.
"We have known since the moment we saw him. I have known him since he was a baby so it was quite easy to recognize him. No Yukis outside the royal family have green eyes, and Salie is the only one in your family with jade green not emerald green, plus his Tamashï no daiyamondo and Hõseki shãdo's coloring is quite unique. I would recognize the son of my old fiancé anywhere." Rina giggled.

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
"Dad was your what?" Kaylee said her interest peaked.
"My ex-fiancé. I was supposed to marry your father but when he met my best friend, your mother Misha, I saw how much they cared for each other and let him go." Rina said.
"Oh?" Kaylee replied, she said looking Rina over again.
"You and Tai Shi also used to work together, up close and personal" Xion teased his wife.
"Xion, do not tell her that!" Rina scolded her husband, a faint wisp of a mischievous smile on his normally unemotional face.
"Work together, how?" Kaylee questioned.
"Your father, Xion's older brother and I used to be on a team. Your father was an amazing ninja. We used to call him ‘The Tenchu', the Divine Justice of the Yukis' Empire." Rina said.
"You should tell Salie about this one day. I am sure he would love to hear about our family." Kaylee said thinking of her brother and his apparent lack of history.
"You sound rather fond of your little brother." Rina mused, "Correct me if I am wrong but more than a normal sister should be."
"H-how can you tell?" Kaylee asked, embarrassed by Rina's comment.
"Chemo vision one of the abilities of the Tsukigan. It allows me to see your pheromones. The pheromones responsible for attraction and sexuality spiked a little when you mentioned his name, so I just assumed. So you have a thing for your little brother, how naughty!" Rina teased, pointing to her silver pupiless eyes, her clan the Sai's famous bloodline ability the Tsukigan (Lunar Eye).

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Heaven's Crossing (Working Title)
silverokumura @silverokumura
"It is not like that! I just missed him! I have not seen my brother in so long. And seeing him just sent my heart aflutter." Kaylee fibbed, she turned her eyes to avoid Rina's silver eyed stare.
"You cannot lie to a Sai ninja, you know this Kaylee." Rina told the younger Yuki.
"Well, I just want you to keep in mind my daughter Xishi likes your brother, please be kind to her." Rina said with a stern glance.
"If she is what Salie really wants, I will not stand in her way. I will do whatever it takes for my brother to be happy." Kaylee promised.
"You are a good older sister." Xion assured her.
"Thanks." Kaylee replied, "I am going to protect him like I should have so long ago until he is ready to walk his own path."
"That is good to hear. And now I think we can take our leave. I will tell Maru about your situation excluding your former position. I will tell him you are Salie's blood relative and you should be trusted. Anything else is up to you later."
Kaylee smiled at them and bowed slightly. "Thank you, Rina," she said. "This means a lot to me. I am glad I can be closer to my little brother now.
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