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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates

Oh man, I can confirm on that friend thing. I have a lot of friends at cons, and that's where I tend to meet the most girls. Or in Athens. Or in Columbus. Meanwhile, I have one friend here in town, and he's like me where most of his friends are outside of town. Local girls just don't appear in the wild round these parts.
Veruc thanks for the article, that was quite a read! Point #2 about work dating is especially true and troubling. I remember when I used to work as a cook in my earlier days, employees dating each other happened a fair bit, with a new relationship once every few months and the restaurant was fine with it and there were no problems. We'd occasionally do stupid goofy stuff like play cucumber hockey with the waitresses whereby if a cucumber slice fell off of a salad in the passthrough window and dried up, we'd wait for a waitress to bend over in front of the window and flick the cucumber slice like a hockey puck and try to get it down her shirt. One day I remember I made the shot and using my best sports announcer voice I said "Annnnd he shoots and scores!!! The crowd is going wild!" The girl looked up at me and said "You may have made the shot but you certainly didn't score with me honey" and we all laughed and the dudes were like "Ooooooooo". Yeah, we were stupid idiot pervs at times but we also respected the girls who worked there too and would help them with anything they needed or try to make them feel better when they were down. We had Christmas parties where people drank and sometimes got totally wasted too. And the company didn't mind and everything was fine. There were no sexual harassment lawsuits or people getting fired for over stupid political correctness; just everyone working together to get the job done, having fun, with the occasional romance. Sadly most work places aren't like that anymore and worry wayyy too much about dumb crap like avoiding your co-workers for at least 6ft, put on a mask, and don't talk much. I really don't recognize our world anymore and wish our society could go back to those days.
Yeah. I grew up looking forward to being an adult in the society I grew up in. Now I'm an adult and everything is pretty garbage. The only thing I can say for myself is that my days of dating are over and I do not miss it at all.
go back to those days? Reject modernity. Return to tradition
Well, you could always try maturer women. Women around the age of 18-21 generally don't have the emotional maturity required to wait for my dumb asexual ass to make up my mind. I generally try for women around the age of 24 and up, since they have mellowed out more.
A woman as old as my sister or older would be wierd in my family though, being the youngest.
Veruc I feel ya on that. When I got divorced, even as it was going through, much as I was glad to be out of what had become an emotionally abusive relationship for me, I wasn't looking forward to going back to the dating scene because I knew it would be hard to find someone new who would have some similar interests, but I really didn't know HOW bad it was gonna be lol. I hadn't been "on the market" for many years and I mean no disrespect to the LGBT crowd or those with offbeat romantic interests, but holy crap, when I started reading dating ads I felt like I needed a printed copy of Urban Dictionary at my side just so I could understand what the hell was going on! Things like DD/lg, cream pie, asexual grey, demisexual, etc. were like, huh, say what? I saw the term "panromantic" and thought the person had a kink involving kitchen cookware. I'm glad to hear you found someone and managed to escape the insanity, congrats! As for me, well, the adventure continues!
you stumbled upon the degeneacy of current year
@mirai_k Congrats on getting out of an abusive relationship, those are always fun! Asexual and demisexual are more biological than preferential. Actually demisexuality is part of asexuality, just on the lighter end of the spectrum. I still have a sex drive, but I have trouble building sexual attraction with a girl. So it takes time and I really have to know the depths of their mind before I can even start to desire them sexually. Meanwhile, ascetic attraction and mental attraction work just fine. Others further in the asexual spectrum might have low T, or labido issues that causes them to be less sexually active, then there are also people who have neither of those but just don't find either sex attractive. A lot of this stuff is based on personal exploration and neurological study. Like introverts and extroverts for example. Honestly, I thought I was gay for a while because I just could never get into the girls that everyone else claimed were hot, but men didn't do it for me either, and I found they didn't have the same fascinating minds or ascetically pleasing bodies. So I am in fact straight. If I learned this stuff sooner in life, I probably would have had more successful relationships. XD
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