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Type of person you would want to date?

I suppose someone who likes me for who I am, and can accept me and all my imperfections amd flaws. I am not perfect, nor claim to be, I'm only human. (Already Taken, I know, just decided to answer the thread)
U found that someone ayyy congtats man!!!
I'd say whoever attracts me. I don't really have a set type.
some one i can spend the day with and cuddle up and watch anime with
Excitable...cute..I guess... but like to dress sometimes cute and sometimes boyish...I am a girl, I usually only fall in love with girls or NB... I fall for androgynous or tom boy...but sometimes I surprise myself. I am a big fujoshi... get really excited about things and talk a lot, so you have to be able to put up with that,,,if you ship things would be wonderful... couple cosplay partner is my dream.
Smarts. Girly but not tooooo girly. Values freedom and privacy.
A little weirdo.
Someone who doesn't mind me when I'm in my "cold, quiet" mode. Someone who is affectionate and touchy-feely. Don't mind clingy. Someone who I can discuss intellectual matters with seriously but also get that sarcastic dry wit that I love.
Hmmm.... a toughy Personally a person a lot smarter than me with a sense of wit and logic similar to my own, to also have the same sorta dry bland bad sense of corny humor would be fun. I would enjoy another person to just goof of with yet also be very mature when need be to discuss topics and analyze the world with. There would be a lot to do in the sense of being able to sound board off eachother or see the world differently. I feel this would be a very competive relationship and it’d be fun to be a little bit childish tbh, maybe even polarizing world views to combat eachother and always seek to out do one another yet still be happy. Also lots of self awareness, which would be similar to me in concept but not in detail Another person I would care for would be maybe someone more nurturing and kind, someone to honestly listen and try to understand as well as put in their own inputs and to be honest about themselves and me, someone with a strong will and the ability to comfort which is a bit opp of me and the previous description. A person whou’d Be able to check me when I need to and put me in my place yet also be able to help me stand when I need to. Someone with a lot of will and sense of also value and keenness to anything I may miss or help me where I fall short The last type of person would be like a mix of the 2 A person who can see a bit head a bit farther than I can as well as be fun, someone with less hesitation and thought into things and the ability to drag or carry me along. I’d want them to break me out of my comfort zone and put me into different events and settings even if I don’t want to because I’m a very closed off person. They’d also have some sense of awareness and honest interest in me and who I am deepening the relationship and I’d be willing to put a lot of effort for a person like this who’d Make me want to get out there. A very more open person that I could also find myself in All these things I thought about in order to logically produce a reasonable relationship and are semi detailed yet semi general based on traits and social aspects I have seen from people and are always shifting in detail but in core are the same. Someone who I can think with and conquer the world, someone to take care of me and keep me sane and in place, or someone to help me be more spontaneous and breaking my limits. I want someone I can fully invest myself in and do things for and just be with all the time or talk to all the time, and just listen. It seems like a lot tbh but I wish to fully also help that person, and I wish to help them grow even if the relationship doesn’t last long. I also hold myself to the regard that I To must offer them support trust and many other things, my biggest fear is not the other person but just failing them or the thought of that freaks me out and throws me into a panic tbh. I really do like making people genuinely happy There’s a lot more to this and this is constantly changing in my head but yeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, self analysis.
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