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Political rants

Apr 04, 23 at 12:27pm
On the plus side I'm shocked detrans reddit still exists and they haven't been ran off the platform yet.
Apr 04, 23 at 12:34pm
No doctor, well no doctor in their right mind will even prescribe that crap until AFTER puberty and in some cases, a good talk with a therapist to make sure they truly understand what they're asking for is recommended. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part ... I don't care what's between your legs or if you identify as a fish, but allowing children to make such a huge and life changing decision is foolish no matter the angle. Gotta grow up first. Hell, you can't even fully process emotions typically until around 25.
Hot take but i think china is oushing really hard to replace USD as the worlds reserve currency in preparation for war. The fact brazil and china have actually completed transactions in different currency for the ourchase of oil and B.R.I.C.S have teamed up. I see a war happening soon. One the likes we have never seen before.
I really hope both blackstone and black rock collapse. That would be better for every single American https://youtu.be/4UfbONIWrXo
Apr 15, 23 at 7:29am
Apr 15, 23 at 7:32am
Love that movie. What's your favorite color? Red, no blue! Aahhh!
Ukrainians after we dont give them our entire military and enough money to buy the moon https://youtu.be/ozi1fixrSJ0
Im trying to warn those of you in the US buy gold and silver while you can. This isnt a pump and dump scheme or me trying to raise the price of these things so i can sell higher. GET gold and silver, platinum, padillium, shit if you have 7k sitting around buy rhondium or rhodium whatever its called. Call me doomer or conspiracy theorist but if you havent been stacking metals and food reserves you are gonna be regretting it later. But hey this isnt financial advice just want people to protcect themselves. https://youtu.be/qj5ggCTeQ-M
May 03, 23 at 5:16pm
Ok boomer
May 03, 23 at 6:44pm
Hows the echo chamber doing?
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