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Political rants

Sep 29, 21 at 6:52am
idek what the fuck it means for the us government to be out of money
It probably means we owe more money than we have. Which is most likely the case. When countries start asking us to pay up on what we owe and we cant thats usually when the dollar depreciates. Sure we can always print more money but then that causes inflation because we are adding to the circulation of fiat that is already out there. Less is more, more is less. Most of our debt i think are to banks who literally get bail outs from us anyway
Economists are literally saying we are reaching basically the end. Nancy Pelosi and crew wanna print 3.5 trillion more for god knows what
The thing is we have resources that we could probably use to pay off some of that debt. There are plenty of places with natural resources that we can dig up within the US. The only issue is tree huggers would rather us live like cavemen than "mess up the planet" getting resources they depend on.
Sep 29, 21 at 8:02am
It's the end of the fiscal year. They are trying to approve budgets for the 2022 fiscal year. We've been spending money we don't actually have for years. That's when they talk about the debt ceiling. To keep everything going we just dig ourselves deeper. Then there's all the new bullshit that gets introduced for the US to fund that doesn't help. Just kicking the can down the road for another year. The debt ceiling is the maximum amount that the U.S. government can borrow by issuing bonds. When the debt ceiling is reached, the Treasury Department must find other ways to pay expenses. Otherwise, there is a risk the U.S. will default on its debt. The debt ceiling has been raised or suspended several times to avoid the risk of default. There have been a number of showdowns over the debt ceiling, some of which have led to government shutdowns. The conflict is usually between the White House and Congress, and the debt ceiling is used as leverage to push budgetary agendas. How many times has the debt ceiling been raised? According to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the debt ceiling has been raised, extended, or revised 78 separate times since 1960. This occurred 49 times under Republican presidents and 29 times under Democratic presidents. Who controls the debt ceiling? The debt ceiling is approved by Congress. What happens if the debt gets too high? Hitting the debt limit and failing to pay interest payments to bondholders would have grave economic consequences. The United States government would be in default, lowering its credit rating and increasing the cost of its debt. This would throw the U.S. economy into a tailspin. Is there a limit to the national debt? The debt ceiling is the limit set on the amount of debt the U.S. government is allowed to incur. As of April 8, 2021, the U.S. national debt was $28.1 trillion and rising.
Sep 29, 21 at 8:44am
This dude is grilling Pelosi but in the video he shows the bill all of congress was to read to approve the latest $3.5 Trillion spending bill. https://youtu.be/9X2KsEHFDIc
Sep 29, 21 at 12:44pm
Sep 29, 21 at 3:13pm
Extremist right gets the panties wet
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