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Ghost @kuharido commented on debate
Sep 23, 21 at 6:24pm
Do I get a moral pass if I support cannabalism? https://i.ibb.co/gSwKCNF/url-113.jpg
omfglord @omfglord commented on debate
Sep 23, 21 at 6:24pm
try eating nuts, they have protein
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 23, 21 at 6:25pm
@hell_hound7 You don't. Vegans and carnists both have vitamin deficiencies. The vitamin aisle at your store wasn't created for vegans lol. While I will contest that on a vegan diet you need to be more aware of what you eat, I would counter that the biggest killer (precovid) is heart disease, which is caused by meat consumption. But again, this isn't a debate I want to get into because you gotta drag up statistics and studies and I just wanna argue philosophy, not statistics. Can you tell me if you approve of the chinese dog festival? Are they moral or amoral for eating dogs?
Sep 23, 21 at 6:25pm
Why yes, let me eat nuts. Me who ordered 24 nuggets, 2 large fries and a chicken sandwich for lunch. Nuts will definitely sustain me.
omfglord @omfglord commented on debate
Sep 23, 21 at 6:26pm
I'm just trying to throw out some ideas.. ^^"
Sep 23, 21 at 6:27pm
@momoichi thats why you dont become a carnist or vegan. Key word OMNIVORE. You eat both.
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 23, 21 at 6:30pm
@hell_hound7 Carnist means you eat meat. Not a carnivore, carnist. You're a carnist because you eat meat in your diet. It's basically the counter to vegan. But again let's get back to ethics. What do you think about the Chinese dog festival where they cook and eat dogs?
Ghost @kuharido commented on debate
Sep 23, 21 at 6:31pm
Do I get a moral pass of I support cannabalism? https://ambergriscaye.com/pages/mayan/art/sacrifice4b.jpg
Lamby @momoichi commented on debate
Sep 23, 21 at 6:33pm
@kuharido Good question, but I would say it depends on the context. Is this lab grown meat that was replicated using cells? Will it still have the side effects that cannibalism usually has for most people? If it was cultivated ethically (no cruelty) and has no adverse health effects I think its amoral.
Sep 23, 21 at 6:33pm
You can support cannibalism all you want. Doesnt mean people have to let you eat them. The only thing preventing cannibalism is society. If that collapse who is really gonna stop you? All of our moral compasses are held up by society. Killing, incest, cannibalism, pedophilia, beastiality. The only thing between you and them is society
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