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Is men chasing women outdated?

Start by unlearning everything you've learned. It does you no good to look at a potential partner like some specimen. Also don't underestimate bars or clubs or anywhere where people exist to have a good time.
It also helps to not go looking for it when going out or else you will come off desperate exerting that energy. Bring the boys and have a good time. Women will see you naturally attracting people near you with your energy and want in. If you get social anxiety like i do just dare one of your friends to ask for the girls number for you and play it off. It actually works.
It would work for me if I didn’t have such high standards
That’s what I need. I ain’t finna fight some drunk dude over a girl wanting the attention at a club. Introverts all the way!
Only ever went to a bar a couple of times and hated it. Well, when it was packed, like when they had a DJ. I like to move without bumping into other people. I never did go to pick up women, though. I say bar because I don't really have "clubs" around me. Well, I did do that once in DC and absolutely HATED it, you can't hear a damn thing without yelling. My best results came from online locals and my worst too.lol Met an interesting woman once who cheated on me, but that was a "just for fun" thing anyways.lol Wanna build that confidence? Try streaking in a hotel with a couple of people.lol
Bro my social anxiety would be through the roof if I did that xD
Yup, as was mine.lol But, at a certain point, I was just having fun. And honestly? It kinda did help reset a few ways if thinking by just doing... Nevermind the chance of spending the night in jail or fines that could've came with that.lol We weren't caught!!!! lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bJINv6ffO00
Honestly I'm worried about microplastics lowering testosterone. Yes, asexuals exist but there is a measurable decline in testosterone levels in modern men. If you don't feel like having sex, you aren't going to pursue it.
*Ahem* Just gonna say, don't worry , I gotchu fam.
No point in chasing third rate egirls with fourth rate feet. But in all honesty if you’re “chasing” and not getting the same energy or interest back, it’s most likely not going to end well for you.
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