Religious rants

αlερh-2 @alephy
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Religious rants
αlερh-2 @alephy
In response to the original post that you made to my first post. Pandus, your making arguments from ignorance. Muslims do not believe that Jesus is God. Muslims see Mohammed as a prophet. Muslims also see Jesus is a prophet, not a God. Don't believe me? Talk to any practicing Muslim. Let them tell you what they think of Jesus. The Jews also don't believe that Jesus is God. The Jews are still waiting for their Messiah to come. Again, talk to any practicing Jew and let them tell you what they think of Jesus. If Muslims and Jews don’t believe that Jesus is God, then Muslims and Jews do not believe in the same God as you. It is not the same God. Because Muslims and Jews don’t believe that Jesus is God. Otherwise, they'll just be another Christian sect. It is blasphemous for Muslims and Jews to think as Jesus as God. They are not Christians. Muslims and Jews have their own interpretation of God. With their own holier than thou text. Jesus is not God to Muslims and Jews. You do not all believe in the same God in Christ.
“My God is the real God i have already explained and spoke on this earlier in the thread.” Well explain it again. You’ve posted entire books on Christian theology. If you don’t want to type it out then how hard is it to just copy and paste it? You never answered the question Pandus. I'll ask it again. Why is your God the real God? Well, my God is the real God because it’s the real God is a circular argument. Why is your God the real God? Without citing the holier than thou text. Because every religion believes that their holier than thou interpretation of God is the real interpretation of God. Why is your interpretation the real interpretation? Believe it or not, but Pagan worshippers still exist. They do not believe in your God. They believe in their own Pagan God. They all see signs in the real world for their pagans Gods. In their minds. You don't see the signs of the Pagan God's that’s why you don’t believe. Using the Pandus logic and I quote you “If you [just] opened ur mind and actually looked at this stuff instead of being skeptics i promise you it will all make sense. It seems crazy now, but one day you will notice it.” Why don’t you open your mind to the Pagan God Pandus? Maybe if you if you weren’t such a skeptic, it would all make sense. Please don't give the same response. The pagans actually believe in the same God as me. If you do say that, then you're just speaking out your ass.
BTW I think Pagans and Christians are on the same level. It’s all circular arguments. It eats itself.

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
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Religious rants
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
1. Why does that matter? that just shows how within themselves christians can't decide what to believe 2. The other day I saw you calling out catholicism when it's literally one of the three major branches of Christianity so don't really know why you're bringing sects into this when you yourself call them out for not being the "true religion"

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
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Religious rants
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
But to be fair christians do call other branches of christians out for being "fake christians" i remember when i was little i asked my mom what branch of Christianity we follow and she just told me "the real christians" so i never knew which one we were but we definitely weren't Catholics since even the pastor would shit on and call out the Catholics sometimes

αlερh-2 @alephy
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Religious rants
αlερh-2 @alephy
Another thing too. When people criticize and make fun of woke retards on the left. Pandus be like. *Giggles like a lil school girl* oh hehehe so funny. These damn liberals don't believe in muh freedom of speech. Murica! Fuck yeah! But when people make fun of Christians. Pandus be like. OMG! I can’t believe we can’t indoctrinate kids with Christian propaganda in public education. Christians are being prosecuted. We're oppressed! People are so mean! People always make fun of us! *Cries* Man STFU! Quit your whinning. Nobody wants to hear that hypocritical nonsense. You live in a first world country where freedom of religion is guaranteed in the Constitution. If you truly feel oppressed as a Christian in your own country. Name me a law that makes it illegal to be Christian is America. How many Christians are lynched in America, just for the mere fact that their Christian? Name me the government run concentration camps that’s full of Christians. Well, people are mean and make jokes at our expense. Oh please, don’t be such a snowflake.
That's why I say both sides are mirror reflections of each other. It’s funny when the other side is made fun of for their stupidity, but instantly turn into a victims when their side is mocked. Miss me with that nonsense. Both sides turn into whiny lil victims once they get eviscerated rhetorically or are made fun of through jokes and memes. Everyone plays the oppression Olympics. Everyone's ideas are victims. Everyone's ideas are oppressed.

αlερh-2 @alephy
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Religious rants
αlερh-2 @alephy
Last thing for today. You may think I’m trolling, but I’m not. You know when mass shootings happen. They say to give your thoughts and your prayers. God hears your prayers, right? Well maybe God hasn’t stopped the mass shootings in America because you haven’t prayed enough. That’s right, you’re the reason mass shootings happen Pandus. You need to pray a lil more. Why hasn’t praying worked? There’s a few possibilities:
A) God doesn’t exist. Therefore, you’re praying to nothing.
B) God exist and listens to your prayer, but doesn’t give a shit.
C) It’s all Gods plan and we don’t understand it.
Well, you definitely don’t think A is correct. God is loving right? God cares, hence it’s not B. It must be C! God let’s little kids get shot because it’s God plan. Well shit, you got me there buddy!

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Religious rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Unlike the left which literally vote for bad policies and then turn around and ask why is this happening. Christianity has always been on the same stance and thats worshipping/serving god. The doctrine has not changed while some sects believe in stuff thats different than what was already said it has not changed. We have all wanted the same thing.
You cant compare me making fun of liberals to this because they literally asked for that. While yes the bible does say they will hate you for believing in Jesus im calling out double standard and hypocrisy and arguing as to why i believe its the true religion as there are many forces at work to disavow it. Usually when for example the left doesnt like being called out on their blatant lies they try to silence it for example they dont like trump so they indite him every week. This is that scenario.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Religious rants
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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yaasshat @yaasshat
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Religious rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
If there's free will,God doesn't know all. If it's all according to plan, God chose the path we are heading. Simplified version. Either God knew and thus planned for man to fall or God didn't and had no plan aka doesn't know all. Sooo... Which is it? I'm curious, especially when it comes to us choosing our own path and yet it also being part of God's plan?
Sounds sorta like being the driver for a criminal, but blaming the criminal once you drove them to the destination and knew what they'd do...
I know that's a touch out in left field,but I've always been curious and I know their are DEFINITELY varying thoughts/sects that believe there is ot there isn't free will (Predestination vs choice.).

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Religious rants
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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yaasshat @yaasshat
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Religious rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
Ah, so knowing all things before they were even created, including our down fall(And the damnation of millions if not billions...) God still chose to create? Why? Or, did/does God know all things? Genuinely curious. I mean, if it's not his plan, but he created all even knowing the eventual outcome and being what God is, doesn't that mean the same as a plan or that it had to come to pass? It honestly does get a touch confusing to me. While none here are theologians (Only assuming.), I do like to get varying opinions to better understand or maybe even clarify.
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