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Empicca's Territory

[12AM] these past few days ive actually been donating to students and animal shelters...most of em need funds for laptops, food, and for med purposes...I don't really check my phone messages that much, but tonight when I opened my inbox, I've read a lot of thank you messages and how they appreciate my help...i feel so happy. I'm teary eyed right now. hahaha i wish to do more someday when i become independent and financially stable https://c.tenor.com/u6yoDKoczXEAAAAd/adachi-anime-happy.gif
[1AM] IDK why cats walk infront of you and when u accidentally step on em they get angery like its yer f fault
Cat are attention seekers UwU XDDDD
So that explains your behavior neko boi @gdmh39
Doggos are also seeking for attentions but are more loyal than cats. Please im a doggo UwU XDDDD
so das why cheemkee good boi ❣︎
cant believe this happened in our university xDDD UP students legendary naruto run xDDD
I'm know I'm currently banned from this thread by the owner but I have to say that's awesome... back to my regularly scheduled banishment of this thread haha
Cheemkee very good boi also lol your uni has done alot of weird stuff already XDDDD
Criselington @criselington stop that drama hahahahahaha youre free to post chimken nuggies here XDDDD @gdmh39 @criselington it is awesome hahaha students just weird in a wholesome way XDDD
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