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How will your viewpoint vote for?

Turns out it only works if you're physically attractive
I dont think yandere as a concept works irl
I’m doing my own version of this instead Mr. worldwide (meaning everyone knows this bitch) @redhawk girl boss : @kameiya Pussy with a capital P: @hell_hound7 The set : @verucassault & @arc Waifu material asf : @miarin Bot: @toritori Most easy to get along : @ivytsuta Best wing man: @jc21095 Hair goals: @criselington IKEA furniture : @wanderingtrickster
Idk the peeps around here that well yet, but I'll do my best to make some choices for some of the categories here: Secretive Diary: VerucAssault's never ending thirst for knowledge and gov. conspiracy has resulted in her knowing about almost everything. When The Watcher misses out on an important universe-altering event, he goes to Veruc for a recap. Yet she keeps this all of this knowledge hidden from everyone except for a few thousand people on MaiOtaku. Loving Hearts: This goes to Detroit Dokta and Ghost, for that touching moment when Dokta posted his, um, I mean HER pic in the Best Waifu contest to entice the man of her dreams, Ghost, who immediately fell head over heels in love with her and switched his vote from Tori to Dokta. Tis truly the power of love! Nature in One: This is MaiOtaku, city of weebs. No one here has ever seen this "outside" or even knows what it is. Therefore it's impossible to choose someone here for this category. MO Knight: Jacob for leading the MaiOtaku Rittenhouse defense team and standing up for his innocence. I heard that on the day of the verdict Jacob personally stood ready outside the courthouse in full plate armor with sword and shield. Had the verdict been guilty, he would've stormed the place, slain the evil persecutor, and saved Kyle. Thankfully, it wasn't necessary. Most Calming: That goes to Lunar Lone Wolf for her sweet soothing persona that would utter nary a harsh word about anything. She strives to keep her opinions sweet and sugar coated to spare the feelings of everyone around her.
I feel like you were lieing through your text when you voted me into the most calming section. Especially with that sweet and sugar coated crud. I am now suspicious of you.
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@thesailingteacup you are a genuine lovely kind-hearted spirited who takes care of her loved ones when I had covid you went big sis\mom mode and I will cherish that time you took care of me alsohttps://c.tenor.com/WnrPp4uxh5kAAAAC/tsunder-black-butler.gif
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