Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
I don't remember there ever being straight flags being placed in the classrooom. Nor do I remember a coming out as straight day. Straight month? Doesn't ring a bell. Straight acceptance day? Not a thing to my understanding. Fact of the matter is these things happen naturally. It doesn't need to be in school.
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
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Political rants
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
"kids shouldnt be worried about anything they are kids..."
This is a very recent concept in our society and stems from ending child labor. Kids are not robots though, they worry about things even if they don't always voice them or have the ability to voice them.
"...I myself didnt even take interest in girls until late into my teens. Before that they were just meh because kids arent thinking about those things unless its taught by someone else."
You are taking your experiences and assuming they apply to everyone else. We are not you. Just because you and some people may have had similar experiences or say they did, doesn't mean everyone does. Typically we learn this critical thinking skill as children.
"I don't remember there ever being straight flags being placed in the classrooom. Nor do I remember a coming out as straight day. Straight month? Doesn't ring a bell. Straight acceptance day? Not a thing to my understanding. Fact of the matter is these things happen naturally. It doesn't need to be in school."
Yet another critical thinking skill that seemed to not have been learned. To ask why when we don't know the reason behind something. Why don't you see "straight pride" flags? or better yet; why do gay pride flags exist? Ask yourself why to all the things you don't remember seeing and then ask yourself why it took me to point that out to you instead of you just learning how to accept others for who they are on your own. Define natural for me, because what I think you're really saying is that it's common to see people behave the way you do. There's a reason for that btw, a gross bloody reason, spanning hundreds of years.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
I can only speak for myself because i have only lived my life, but i will get back with you once i switch characters.
All that aside though, no, kids should NOT be worrying about anything. Now does that always mean thats the case? No, they obviously have real world problems. But in this context i mean kids should not be worrying about sexuality and what gender they feel like today. They should just be worrying what sort of adventure they will be going on after school with their friends, or what kind of snack to eat while gaming all night, or the new toys they got for christmas. You know kids stuff. Thinking about what their sexual preferences are shouldnt be a thing because kids shouldnt be having sex. So why does it matter if they are straight, gay, lesbian or bi? Obviously crushes are a thing and kids LIKE what they like but that shouldnt be something encouraged by an adult. Now if they came to the adult for help then do the adult thing. But dont coerce anyone into being trans because they play with a toy that belongs to their older sister and you feel like they might be a girl. Its just people acting on their own fantasy to have everyone be like them or have them be what they want them to be. All you can do is tell people the information they need and keep it moving.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Political rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
It is in my opinion that certain adults reinforce this idea that they need to encourage children and teach them about pronouns and all this other BS because kids otherwise would grow up straight. Because humans, like it or not are like animals. In nature animals typically arent gay. So why is it just something exclusive to humans? Doesnt make much sense does it? Us, as high sophisticated beings, know sex is meant for reproduction. Cool we got that, we know if a man and woman have sex they have a baby in most cases. So naturally, male and female attraction is normal. Dont tell me it isnt because the majority of the world population is striaght. When a majority of the population is outstanding citizens you dont call the one serial killer among them normal. They are an oddity, and outlier, not normal. Now we see the LGBT population growing and i dont believe its because people who were closeted before and just coming out en masse. Its because you have a bunch of misguided youth wanting to fit in and be a part of the group. Its ok to think the same sex is attractive some people are just gifted like that and look genuinely good. Like "this dude is handsome ik for a fact he gets dates regularly he just looks like it." Type deal. But alot of people perverse the natural order of things and say they were born gay. How are you born gay, or as a woman or any of this. If they dig up ur bones after hundreds of years no one will be able to tell if you were gay, bi, trans, any of that. I think we really need to be serious here.
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Well I do think I need to elaborate on things here. I was refering to the classroom for children not the pride flag in general. Even then we have to go into the meaning of the pride flag itself. To some it is a representation of a struggle. To me it is a symbol of a totalitarian sociopolitical heterodoxy being imposed upon the general populace where the original meaning has been lost. Having lived through the Satanic Panic of the 90s and early 2000s and I find little difference between the modus operandi between the modern lgbt movement and the radical Christians of the previous era. Long story made short, a consolidation of political power and influence.
Second is what I mean naturally. Kids will figure it out. They don't need a third party to tell them whether they are gay, straight or otherwise. A 3rd grade boy finds girls "icky" doesn't mean the kid is gay, it means he is a kid. Or perhaps he finds a girl's toy cool because it has intricate moving parts does not mean he is trans. It is not until later when the kid starts developing that we find out exactly what is going on. You can argue the point that an early intervention will do good in the long run, however the amount of damage that can be done to a kid is nothing short of devastating if we were wrong in the assessment. We need to stop imposing adult concepts of sexuality and sex in general on a kid who cannot comprehend such things because they do not have the ability to experience these things.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Political rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Coming from a religion standpoint. The whole pride movement is basically a bit deeper than just LGBT. So its called pride, and they are proud of what they are, who they are. But we know in the bible these things are sins. Especially the part about pride.
Proverbs 8:13 “To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behaviour and perverse speech.”
Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”
Proverbs 16:5 “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.”
Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
God is not out to hurt your pride he is out to kill your pride.
Then the rainbow which is also symbolism about God and his covenant with noah and how he says he will not destroy the earth the way he did. Based on the people and their wickedness and pride. The fallen angels convinced man that they could have something better than God here on earth. This lead to abominations amongst the land and God destroyed it and spared only 8 people.
Now im not trying to convert you or anything here. But doesnt this seem like a conspiracy here? Especially when one of the commandments is to go forth and multiply and you cannot physically do that being LGBT. The best way to ensure we have generation after generation of depraved people is to start while they are young. Which is another thing God says about leading the young to sin against him. Its like one after another.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
Neither here nor there, but I just wonder...
If angels are not humans and humans are not angels, how exactly did they interbreed with us? Did angels have a need to breed? Thought they were. etheric...anyways.We're stupidly close to Bonobos and yet we wouldn't be able to successfully breed with them. Weird...
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
This isnt really fully explained why angels took to the daughters of men. They dont need to breed; however, from what i have gathered and why we are able to be forgiven when angels and lucifer cannot. Is because they know better? When they commit sin its different than us committing sin. I feel like the same rule applies for when we go to heaven. Thats why we have all these rules now, when its harder to resist. Sort of like a vetting process. The whole bible timeline is weird because i dont necessarily think the events of heaven happen before creation. I think it honestly happens after. My fiancee also said something about angels not having genitalia. I honestly think there is an answer for all this but there isnt really a need for us to know as deemed by God. Hence why its not in the bible. I dont think he feels like it matters.
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Well the main issue is the definition of pride in a biblical sense. Pride in the sense that it is disliked by God is the false sense of self importance. Yes we are all important to some degree, but one's importance in the grand scheme does not supercede another's. If a person keeps following the path of self importance, it can lead them to the conclusion that they are God which seems to becoming a more common philosophy these days.
Now there are things to be proud of. Namely in actions. Say you save all the children in a burning orphanage, you are allowed to be proud of that. On the other side of the coin, if you ran around to people telling them that you saved the children and hold it over their heads, that is when pride is becoming a problem. You have this sense of self importance that is superceding the importance of those around you. The action indeed as important, but that still doesn't make you more important than those you interact with or the children you saved. I do agree that the sense of self importance is a rising problem these days, and it is not just limited to the pride movement.
This is where things get interesting. So angels are divine beings, which makes it so they are bound to divine nature. We as humans are something in between divine and physical. This makes humans... Compatible with angels to some degree. That is where we get the giant Goliath and his 4 brothers which are speculated to be Nephilim. As far as why? Couldn't tell you. Perhaps they wanted to do as the humans were doing and ignored orders. Another possibility is that it was a curiosity of theirs.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Political rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
No evidence for nephilim... And angels needed to breed? If they could, that would mean they were intended to. So... If the fallen angels could breed, they too could have children that would be damned for the sins of their fathers and yet they'd have no chance at redemption as mankind does? The nephilim were cursed because they existed, too? Being half human, shouldn't they have been given a chance or were they deemed not worthy, too? Questions.... Unanswerable questions!!!!
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