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Political rants

Also, I did talk about it in my thread about the Brazilian elections.
Jan 10, 23 at 1:51pm
https://youtu.be/4wHHME_vhi8 This woman is from South Africa but has an astute understanding of left vs right globally, hit a lot of things on the head for American politics.
Jan 16, 23 at 6:11pm
Jubilee does these so much better than Vice. https://youtu.be/vx-Si9gbijA
Jan 16, 23 at 7:35pm
This is one of the longest ones but it's so good. Triggered.
I'm an Anarcho-Communist, a leftist. So I'm replying to the "Kindly do better" video. I went and checked the video out for the context she chose not to address in the video but in the description instead. It's as follows; Just in case you are wondering, I am apolitical. I do stay very politically informed, primarily due to my own curiosity and interest. However, I do not participate in politics nor vote strategically. This is purely because of my context - I am a minority with very little socio-political power yet my human rights are sufficiently protected under EU and international law. I am not conservative nor right-wing. I am anti-neoliberalism as it manifests itself contemporarily; but I can appreciate its theoretical value. Perhaps, some day or due to circumstance, I will engage in politics; however, at this point in my life, I do not care for it. For leftists this is a pretty big red flag, as one cannot engage with politics without forming biases that influence how you continue to engage and present politics or even what you consider political. For me personally it was a red flag as any actual leftist would proudly tell you right of the bat what political/economic theory guides their work and how they put it into praxis. So I knew from the start this would be a critique of the left from at best a centrist perspective and at worst a right leaning perspective. From a centrist perspective leftists are always trouble makers, chipping away at established norms for attention and to right wingers leftists are anything left of them...lately centrists. Far right wingers know who leftists are and may even know what they're about but we are so fundamentally apposed that it's in their best interest to stay silent and let misinformation spread. An actual leftist will ask first and foremost what you mean by leftist. Do you mean democratic socialist, social democrat, socialist, communist, anarcho-communist, anarchist. And then their eyes will narrow and they'll ask if you mean democrats, tankies or anarcho-capitalists. Then there are the guiding theories from Marx, Lenin, Mao. There are so many versions of leftists and we don't agree on an end goal, that's why we're fractured. And that is important as who has power, how it's wielded and how it was gotten are important things to discuss when trying to move forward. On top of that not everyone in the left is at the same level of understanding of leftist ideals but still have an opinion. UUGGGHHHHH she went over so much stuff but just pointing out bias and ascribing meaning to the general term "leftist" has taken up so much time. I'll stop here for now. If she made a point about leftists that you'd like to hear a rebuttal to, leave a time stamp or quote her. I can't speak for all leftist ideology but I can give you an Anarcho-Communist or Socialist perspective. This has been my Ted-talk and I hate anarcho-capitalists, thank you.
Jan 16, 23 at 10:37pm
@twobananasshyofapumpkinpie It was a much bigger video than I usually give time to but I didn't know that at first. I started watching thinking it would be 30 tops and just let it play while I was working. There's nothing in particular of her's she said I would like to discuss. It was nice hearing an outside perspective that was kinda centrist grounded on things happening in America. Usually it's either purely left or right that I hear. I understand why she put that info in her video though because she was critical of left politics and in my own experience I have found if you criticize the left too much, then you'll be viewed as a conservative or in extreme circumstances, alt-right.
"...in my own experience I have found if you criticize the left too much, then you'll be viewed as a conservative or in extreme circumstances, alt-right." Which type of leftist your talking to and the type of criticism you give will yield vastly different results. We really are a fractured lot. Thank you for this chat, it wasn't as scary as I thought it might be.
Jan 17, 23 at 3:46pm
Most online politics is brain rot. Not just online politics, but politics IRL and in general really. Both left and right. Most politics channels on youtube are really bottom of the barrel. I'm really good at detecting bullshit. I go direct to the source. Double check what political people say. Often times they're wrong. Misinterpret data (that's a big one that both sides do). Don't give context. Spin shit around. They're full of shit really. At the end of end it of it all. You know how I feel? Do make an analogy. I feel like the host. Billy Madison is the youtuber and/or politician. The audience is everyone that just sips that dumb juice. Host to Billy Madison: "Mr Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec7rCsNFn30
Jan 17, 23 at 4:19pm
@twobananasshyofapumpkinpie and everyone else: Used to be anarchist mysel- (See, I told you guys anarcho communists exist.) -f, and I swing more social libertarian nowadays, so honestly, hearing all that is a breath of fresh air. So I want to confirm that we are a coalition of ideologies, not some centralized minded hive mind. Y'all know I hate the Biden/Clinton part of the left, y'all know I get along with libertarians on most issues, even if they're rightwing as hell, and yeah, anarcho capitalist just means "I'm comfortable with the barons do whatever they want in the country", and has nothing to do with liberalism or anarchism. This dude's green pilled alright. And that's not even to say I would agree with everything he says, the bottom left doesn't work like that.
Jan 17, 23 at 4:45pm
@a1ephy: Personally, it helps to go to people who work in the field of whatever topic you are researching is, the news just lets you know what happened most of the time. You only watch that long enough to know when and where. Then they do this annoying thing where they try to tell you what to think, and that's when you bug out. If you want to know how to identify social engineering for example, look for a former CIA dude who is willing to break it down. That kinda stuff occasionally pops up on Youtube or in podcasts. It's what conspiracy theorists used to do before Obama happened and the scene got hijacked by partisans. https://media.tenor.com/YM3fW1y6f8MAAAAC/crying-cute.gif
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