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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020

Ghostie and detroit basicly kiss eachother and looking down at me like they are something better. https://media4.giphy.com/media/egjCAYphmLmrm/200.gif - - This is how hearting eachother after every post looks like
I'd say this chat was a bit distant from being civilized for a minute.
@wasisdas Yes, something better than your attitude. I can agree on that one aspect of what you said, honestly you seem pretty rotten. Sorry if that come off as blunt and rude, however dealing with people like you on a daily here in Detroit gets rather tiresome. All talk but has nothing to show for it.
Amir you lost yet you still expect a seat at the table https://media1.tenor.com/images/a1ce1d92b9933dbc28e93e227394972d/tenor.gif?itemid=4145117
This is beautiful
@jc you got me with that one lol
What do you want me to show? I just destroy every argument you ever made. Isn't it funny how a piece of sht like me owns the whole debate here on a 2v1 basis?
@sobo https://media1.tenor.com/images/f41d9486f5d01fb744c061bfaacf2c6c/tenor.gif?itemid=4624104
Owns is kind of a stretch, do you even own the clothes on your back? Or are you still backpacking off of SS and your moms basement?
If anything I've supplied facts, you've come to the table with nothing. Please do try again, I'd love to see what you come up with.
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