MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
Ok you basicly are clueless. To you information Fiona and Dan are registered users on this site. I am sorry you just stick to the people on the active forum.
Also Amir didnt won anyway. I won. That is a fact. Ghost we never talked and you dont know me. Back than I was pretty popular here and made friends with everyone and I care for my friends here that I made. They never left me and I am talking to them today.
I am not whining, this turns me on. This is my only chance to make fun of you guys without being judged. We debate aint we?
Sobo275 @sobo275
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Sobo275 @sobo275
Honestly I don't either, I probably shouldn't of brought up my suspicions. I apologize for my previous statements, let's do this for the fun of it, yeah?
Ghost @kuharido
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Ghost @kuharido
@wasistdas I see Amir with 32 votes and you with 30 so he's the winner.
Ghost @kuharido
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Ghost @kuharido
Is it cause Gabe closed the polls earlier could people vote after?
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
Ok Mr Ghost. Please get your glasses and try to read. Dont rush things out and read slowly what Gabriel said. I know it is pretty hard for someone in your age but if you need help I offer you to make a vocaroo message so you get what he was writing
Sobo275 @sobo275
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Sobo275 @sobo275
@kuharido No I don't believe that's the case at all
Ghost @kuharido
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Ghost @kuharido
So I'm also a little confused cause Barky is acting as if he lost and is angry about that. So yeah I'm just really confused here.
Nini @mikan_kat
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Nini @mikan_kat
Both barky and Amir got a tie
But cuz barky was ahead most of the time. He Got the win
Sobo275 @sobo275
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Sobo275 @sobo275
Gabe cut the time short for some reason, hence why it ended up in a tie. However when he made the poll it was set to end at 11?
Ghost @kuharido
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Ghost @kuharido
So people were still able to vote after Gabe closed the polls?
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