For the guys and girls
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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For the guys and girls
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
They gots to have interest in anime and manga, be nice, and cosplay with me :D(doesnt have to to but it would be fun *w*)
Yu @metaljester
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For the guys and girls
Yu @metaljester
Yes to me cosplaying can be crucial and liking anime of course and have a kind nature at least
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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For the guys and girls
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
I dont have as many chances to cosplay so when I do I go all out X3
Yu @metaljester
commented on
For the guys and girls
Yu @metaljester
That is good that means you will probably have something interesting when you do cosplay I think your off to a great start in finding somebody for you have dedication for things like I do and alot like to cosplay on here so I think you will have a good chance at finding somebody now outside here it will be harder but you will find somebody if you go to cons theres bound to be a person for you
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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For the guys and girls
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Woohoo (/o.o)/
Yu @metaljester
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For the guys and girls
Yu @metaljester
Yes yay be proud lets have a mini celebration about it
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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For the guys and girls
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Yea! *noms on cake* =3= om nom nom nom
Yu @metaljester
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For the guys and girls
Yu @metaljester
Cecil @cecil
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For the guys and girls
Cecil @cecil
Great, now you guys are making me hungry for cake! :P
Yu @metaljester
commented on
For the guys and girls
Yu @metaljester
the cake is a big fat lie dont listen to it gladius will get you
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