Anime Wall scrolls?
Manic @mercule
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Anime Wall scrolls?
Manic @mercule
i didnt like the .hack anime series. I thought it was really slow and boring. Has one of the most emo character ever too
ronined @ronined
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Anime Wall scrolls?
ronined @ronined
Yeah .hack depends on the type of story one is looking for. But yeah great that we have more people who have wall scrolls. :)
Yu @metaljester
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Anime Wall scrolls?
Yu @metaljester
I have plenty of wall scrolls about 40 old ones and around 30 or so newer ones anyways I love wall scrolls
ronined @ronined
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Anime Wall scrolls?
ronined @ronined
40 old ones. That is nice. Any favorites?
Yu @metaljester
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Anime Wall scrolls?
Yu @metaljester
My naruto ones possibly or robotech thats right robotech I had a goku one with vegeta I liked
ronined @ronined
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Anime Wall scrolls?
ronined @ronined
Robotech. I havent heard that one in a while. :)
Yu @metaljester
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Anime Wall scrolls?
Yu @metaljester
Yep its pretty old school
Yu @metaljester
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Anime Wall scrolls?
Yu @metaljester
Yep its pretty old school
FelixOtaku @felixotaku
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Anime Wall scrolls?
FelixOtaku @felixotaku
I have 3 Samurai champloo, Ghost in the shell and Haruhi suzumiya
ronined @ronined
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Anime Wall scrolls?
ronined @ronined
I approve good sir. I have yet to find a Ghost in a Sheel wall scroll these days.
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