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Philosophy Thread

Oct 23, 20 at 9:48am
Not all journeys are the same. Some people stumble upon greatness, others have to climb mountains for it.
Oct 23, 20 at 9:49am
If it was all cookie cutter bullshit, would it be that interesting to begin with?
Oct 23, 20 at 9:50am
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Oct 23, 20 at 9:52am
For me, I just want to stop being in pain mentally. The way I see control is me holding on to the things that bother me or upset me. And I'm so very tired, mentally. Investing so much energy into things out of my control. I'm not accepting them, and just rolling over... but I am accepting that I can relinquish my feelings. That, to me, is letting go of control.
Oct 23, 20 at 9:56am
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Oct 23, 20 at 9:57am
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Oct 23, 20 at 9:59am
Just you're average manic depressive *waves*. I'm good right now. Not in the sunken place.
Oct 23, 20 at 10:02am
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Oct 23, 20 at 10:04am
I think you're in a good place. If you struggle with ego, but acknowledge you cause pain in others and want to combat it. That's well on your way to "do no harm" and entering monkhood. <3
Oct 23, 20 at 10:06am
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