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Philosophy Thread

Jul 10, 20 at 10:56am
@truffle So still essentially the same what I meant. But by you saying that free will is a concept makes it sound like it's just a collection of ideas or something like that but not an actual thing
@sparkis Nope. It isn't freedom. It is different from freedom.
@sparkis Yes. But not only individuals themselves, but external factors.
Jul 10, 20 at 10:58am
Ayy we getting philosophical in here
Jul 10, 20 at 10:58am
OK. I didn't go too deep into it but controversially I think the debate on "free will" is an aged debate that only people with spiritual or religious beliefs can debate. If you believe in nothing, god(s) or fate, then what is left but yourself to determine what you will do?
Jul 10, 20 at 11:00am
What you do can also depend on the amount of brainwashing one undergoes, giving them an illusion of having free will, when in reality they don't. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk
@verucassault Actually, no. It can be debated by everyone. Free will just means this: where you able to make a choice based on only yourself, completely not due to external factors that hinders choices
Jul 10, 20 at 11:02am
John Locke denied that the phrase "free will" made any sense (compare with theological noncognitivism, a similar stance on the existence of God). He also took the view that the truth of determinism was irrelevant. He believed that the defining feature of voluntary behavior was that individuals have the ability to postpone a decision long enough to reflect or deliberate upon the consequences of a choice: "... the will in truth, signifies nothing but a power, or ability, to prefer or choose".
Jul 10, 20 at 11:03am
Can money buy you happiness? I think yes. What do you guys think?
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