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Dying in the inside

Wow uMmm
May 29, 20 at 12:40am
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May 29, 20 at 12:41am
@uiton this is the internet, little boy.
May 29, 20 at 12:41am
UmmMmMmm uMMmm
so from my window, i got onto a train, and then on another train, then on a plane, then i was in spain (that kinda rhymed) then i was camping for 2 months, then i had lived in a squat. and then i tripped again and fell on a plane, which landed in uk. and then i tripped on a girl and we'd trip around for like 10 months. and then she got rid of me and i had a really bad trip that i even ended up on the roof of a 3 story house without any safety (the roof wasn't flat xd i was lying on my belly ) and then i tripped into a room and fell into deep depression and i didn't do shit for 2 years and then i was kicked out and i tripped onto a bus and did like 1500km on a bus to trip back onto the same property i tripped out the window from. which was this december
May 29, 20 at 12:43am
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May 29, 20 at 12:43am
@spicy_frost sorry ;-;
May 29, 20 at 12:43am
Well guys where I am it’s 10:42 pm and I gtg draw then sleep so ya byeee we can talk tomorrow or whateves byeeee :3
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