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Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 7:22am
@projectotakux It's a yes and a no answer. So the theory is based on wolf pack hierarchy but it's founding were based on wolves in captivity. The core of identifying the role in packs was based on dominance and submission to gain access to food, resources, breeding, etc. Where the debunked thing comes into play is based on wolves acting differently in the wild vs captivity. Wolves will seek mates and once they have produced offspring and have their own family, at that point you could say the male father becomes the alpha. Wolves don't typically let outliers into their packs as they are all in a bloodline. In captivity, it applies. There emerges both male and female alphas and they run the pack. Allegedly from one source I'm looking at, they won't let the omega males and females breed because it will weaken the pack. I think there could be more factors at play. It is kind of a fascinating concept and it has been widely accepted over the last 2 decades. I think the way that they act in the wild though was a huge oversight. But I still think it's possible that the alpha, beta, omega personalities could still emerge during breeding and seeking mates which is the way its being utilized and interpreted now to describe human breeding, dating etc. It's not a hard science, more like psuedo as you said, with some psychology tie ins. Now they even talk about sigma in relation to people.
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Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 9:04am
Yeah I think there's more to it than that but.... https://media.tenor.com/6eo8yBOQeA4AAAAM/okay-hi.gif lol
Nov 02, 22 at 9:06am
Well no shit it is the same mother and father they are trying to raise x amount of cubs where humans can choose to have 1 child, 2 children or an abortion hell how to distrubute the roles and responsibilities between the 2 parties.
αleph-01 @a1ephy commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 12:53pm
@kuharido Nah, fuck that. People just being retarded. People were supposedly rushing towards a bar because some celebrity was going to be there. People were thinking, "oh no! I'm not going to make it into the bar to see the celebrity. I need to run and scramble through this narrow passageway before these other hundreds of people scramble and run through this narrow passageway. I got to see this celebrity!" Retarded impatient behavior got people killed.
αleph-01 @a1ephy commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 12:58pm
Here's another example of the same impatient mental retardation. Scrambling through a narrow passageway with hundreds of other people will get you killed. I'm not sure if anyone died on this human crush. It just people being stupid. Here's a pro tip. Avoid very, very large crowds. Specially in narrow passageways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Yq8z3StBY
αleph-01 @a1ephy commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 1:03pm
Or be like this dude. He was like, "Yall motherfuckers can die. I'm fittin to live!" Literally survival of the fittest Lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz1qL4XH-NE
Ghost @kuharido commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 5:42pm
@a1ephy bruh, it's a science and crowd psychology. You can't blame the people. It's managements responsibility. Sure, personal awareness is always good but at a certain point things are way out of your vantage point to know what is going on.
Nini @mikan_kat commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 8:43pm
https://m.news.nate.com/view/20221101n34959 79 calls were made 4 hrs before the accident about overcrowding, but where written off as discomfort reports.
Nini @mikan_kat commented on News
Nov 02, 22 at 8:54pm
The area where it happen. The red road was like a slope ally. Everyone was coming in n out from the east n west into this little small slope ally. all that pushing people would fall creating a domino effect. At the bottom was where all the people ended up piling up crushing each other and making the crowd stuck.but people didn’t know so they just kept pushing.
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