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Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 09, 21 at 11:38am
I <3 haka https://twitter.com/aginnt/status/1458111221916438528 New Zealanders protested today in front of Parliament against their Prime Minister who led the devastating “zero-COVID” rolling lockdown movement, only to abandon lockdowns a year and half later.
Chocopyro @chocopyro commented on News
Nov 09, 21 at 11:53am
Gah, every time I play Pandemic, New Zealand be like: https://i.imgur.com/H1Yvqb1.jpg
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 09, 21 at 11:55am
@chocopyro Talks about New Zealand.... shows a hat on Madagascar. Is my brain broken, or did I miss something? LOL
Chocopyro @chocopyro commented on News
Nov 09, 21 at 11:56am
It is indeed, I tried to ninja edit it, but you got me so I'll leave it. XD
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 09, 21 at 12:00pm
To be fair, if this were Plague, Inc., there's very little difference between Madagascar and New Zealand, though it seems like New Zealand does get infected a bit quicker than Madagascar at times.
Nov 14, 21 at 8:27pm
https://thehill.com/homenews/media/581443-michael-flynn-says-of-the-us-we-have-to-have-one-religion Dear Michael Flynn, The First Amendment of the United States states: "Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of RELIGION, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." What the first part of this is saying is that Congress can NOT under any circumstance make any law(s) that favor any specific religion(s) (pre-established or otherwise), establish a nation wide religion, or take away anyone's right to practice a different religion outside of what the dominant religion may be (IE a person wanting to practice Paganism instead of Christianity or the other way around). In short, you are free to practice your religion so long as others are allowed to practice their own in peace and you can do nothing about it. One of the reasons this was put in place was (likely) because Pilgrims prior to immigrating to the US were forced into a religious practice that was enforced by the British king that many were not comfortable with as their own views were not always in alignment with his own. Therefore, your idea of "OnE ReLiGiOn" Violates the constitution and should be abolished. Hope you understand this and have a good day. Respectfully, A young man who was raised by a Catholic family that highly values freedom of religion. P.S. Fuck you!
mirai_k @mirai_k commented on News
Nov 15, 21 at 3:48am
@projectotakux Amen! I'm a Christian too, and as such unlike Michael Moron Flynn I recognize that faith is a matter of personal choice that cannot be forced on someone. Someone can be introduced to a given faith, told about it, and brought to a church or and/or other places of religious significance, but no matter what, religious faith is ALWAYS a personal choice and can never be forced. And if someone wants to be Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Wiccan, believe in nature spirits or the Greek gods or whatever, I'm fine with most religions as long they don't actually practice killing and/or raping people as part of their faith. Your 1st Amendment knowledge is spot-on and I am disturbed by how flagrantly our gov. violates 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion. For example: 1--People have been forced against their religious beliefs to get the Covid Vaccine, especially in the U.S. military which is truly disgusting since they're the ones putting their lives on the line to protect our rights. 2--If someone does not wish to, say, bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding because it's against their religious beliefs, they can be sued for ridiculous amounts of money ($100,000+) and forced to do so against their will. Personally, I WOULD bake said cake if I were a baker, I have no issue with it. But not everyone sees things the same way and nor should they be forced to do so either. There are plenty of places out there that will make/sell a gay wedding cake so there is no need to do so + forcing people to work against their will is also a violation of the 13th Am. ban on Involuntary Servitude. Imo the REAL reason people sue over this is because they hate Christians and/or want to legally steal money from others. 3--Marriage/Divorce/Alimony--Marriage is a religious rite. Yet our gov. pulled a 1984-like Ministry of Truth re-definition that marriage is a legal proceeding which is both incorrect and itself a violation of the 1st Am. They can tell you how long you have to wait to get married, force you to take medical tests, force you to pay a license fee for your religious rite, then determine if/when you can end said rite AND cruelly punish you with Involuntary Servitude to your ex for choosing to end that rite. That's violating the 1st, 8th, and 13th Amendments all at once. How the fuck was this ever legal?!?!
Nov 16, 21 at 4:18pm
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 17, 21 at 6:41pm
11-year-old sole survivor of plane crash saved by father's last 'bear hug' The 11-year-old sole survivor of a plane crash was saved by her father's last hug, her mother believes. "Her last memory is her dad just grabbed her and held her really, really tight," Christie Perdue told ABC News transportation correspondent Gio Benitez about her daughter, Laney. Perdue explained that Laney suffered injuries only on one side of her body, and the other side was protected by one of her father's "big, bear hugs." She also shared that Laney is now recovering at the children's hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is talking again, and on Sunday, she stood up. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.abc15.com/news/national/11-year-old-sole-survivor-of-plane-crash-saved-by-fathers-last-bear-hug%3f_amp=true
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 18, 21 at 9:21pm
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