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Putin has locked his greatest critic in jail right now, can't wait for him to all of a sudden kill himself with 2 gunshot wounds to the head.
+ i love reading other opinions but let’s be real here have you ever changed someone’s mind and beliefs with ur conspiracies n opinions (((this gal genuinely asking very curious)))
I mean I don't think anyone's getting pressed or upset we're just discussing our opinions i don't get mad cause the people I talk with are pretty cool people regardless of what we believe, cero and dyadka are people i like no homo guys
And it depends on what we're talking about for example panda and veru showed me Trump wasn't as bad as the media made him out to be i still don't like him but I understood their points and I forgot who told me this but I remember I brought up that Trump always had a low rating and someone told me those are biased cause many of them were results from left leaning media's so that also showed me that Trump wasn't as bad and unpopular as the media portrayed he was
Jan 31, 21 at 5:17pm
@bruschettebites This is an interesting case. If Putin had full intentions of getting rid of him and other critics, it wouldn't have been in such an obvious manner. One day the man would be there and the next he wouldn't. Putin is popular enough in Russia that he doesn't really see any threat in his opponents. The Duma houses on the other hand are an entirely different story. Once a critic gets too close to uncovering something that somebody is doing in the Duma they tend to be poisoned by polonium-210 or a nerve agent. It's an obvious and very dirty method that isn't in line with what the FSB is capable of. The killing of critics and journalists is too amateur for it to be Putin himself ordering the executions. Things don't add up to it being Putin, but the correlation between the Duma and the killings is too great. @tigereyes11 That I can agree on. And no pee pee touch.
@flare0 because i am an object (woman), thank you for noticing! also @ tiger eyez thank you for ur explanation, i just read a plethora of political articles which made me disgusted to the point whenever i see someone pressed or too interested i get goosebumps (((i read everything anyway cuz i’m half a masochist at this point))) but i have a question for you do you think a woman would make a good president? i read somewhere women aren’t representative enough or such things as we are too weak to be heartless/various when a situation is asking for it.. so please, enlighten me :)
Women, men same thing the main difference is what's in between our legs besides that there's only minor differences which again have to do with our reproductive organs and besides that our builds and structure have minor differences due to evolution
However I did learn about how people often fit into stereotypes due to the vibe around them I forgot what it was called but it caused some women in a lab to act inferior when men we around but when it was just the women alone they managed to produce the same quality of work as the men
Jan 31, 21 at 5:27pm
I like Tulsi Gabbard. Not quite enough to vote for her, but I do like her to the point that I would have no objection to her being in office. I liked Margaret Thatcher the UK Prime Minister of the 80s. I say it takes a certain kind of woman to be in that kind of position much like it takes a certain kind of guy to be in a position of political power. It isn't for everybody. Let's say I were a president, well I'd spend 4/5ths of the time hanging out with the President of Mongolia at the gym. https://nextshark.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Judoka-Battulga-Mongolia.jpg
@ gymboi this genuinely made me giggle there a bit, thankyou! :)
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