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Jacob @jacobl89 commented on News
Jan 24, 21 at 9:44am
What's really scary is can you point out anything being done to remedy faith in the system right now? Regardless of if you think the election had fraud enough to change the outcome or not the fact that courts kept throwing out these cases on procedural grounds and not the merits only pissed people off more. One of the few cases that had been decided on based on the merits the PA judge actually ruled that to the vote observers just had to be in the building, it didn't matter how far away they were, even 60 feet. Completely defeats the purpose of having observers. A pole taken after the capitol riot showed that Trump actually GAINED approval rating. Now many polls showed the opposite but that means there is a group of people out there that favored the president during that time MORE.
Jan 24, 21 at 10:40am
Up until the point trump started to lose, i wholeheartedly believed he was going to win. I think thats why most people latched onto the voter fraud claim. Because i wouldnt say im an avid trump supporter but it honestly did look like he would win. I feel thats why many trump supporters couldnt believe it. As for any changes being had, i still have yet to see anything regarding the race stuff. I mean sure biden preaches unity, but what is actually being done? He is like covid, covid, covid...but where are these plans he had for the race riots during campaigning?
Xjwjxne @aliatus commented on News
Jan 24, 21 at 11:42am
If covid didn't happen he would still be president
Jan 24, 21 at 11:47am
Most definitely
Jan 24, 21 at 12:49pm
I mean his approval ratings were always trash even before covid he struggled to maintain 50%
Jan 24, 21 at 1:09pm
To be fair that is nearly all presidents. Even the media venerated Obama hardly got above the 50% mark after the mid-point of his first term.
That's not what I read I remember reading that Trump was one of the only Presidents to have it that low next to Herbert Hoover
Jan 24, 21 at 1:21pm
@tigereyes11 Nah fam he wasnt not stuggling to maintain 50% he was blowing biden out of the water until maybe around the riot time frame thats when we saw him tank. Biden had no way in hell of winning. When trump made the injecting bleach comment approval tanked harder.
Jan 24, 21 at 1:27pm
@tigereyes11 That is where things get interesting. If the averages are taken from all of the sources we end up with 36%. However the issue is that we have polls from places such as Politico, MSNBC, CNN, Vice and Buzzfeed added into the mix. Places that a person who has a high though of Donald Trump wouldn't be caught dead so much as looking at. As far as places that advantage Trump in the poll averages, the only one that is skewed in his favor is FOX. The rest are more or less neutral such as Harris Poll, Rasmusen and the other fluff that is in there. So chances are that the final approval rating in general is a bit higher than that. Ignoring the skewed polls and taking the averages we have around 47%.
Jan 24, 21 at 2:07pm
Oh no, double standards revealed. https://youtu.be/HMaHLSbcEPs
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