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Jan 23, 21 at 11:09pm
@flare3 yeah well i mean besides domestic stuff he hasnt actually started a war. Im talking like going to another country and shooting "bad guys" sure we had the iran stuff but that was BECAUSE of iran starting stuff. The whole race war thing wasnt because of trump specifically. He just played into it by basically not acknowledging it. Either way he wouldbhave gotten the hate from it. When everything goes good everyone is happy, but when it goes bad they blame the one incharge. The real question is what will BIDEN do differently? So far no police reforms or anything to change that stuff.
Jacob @jacobl89 commented on News
Jan 23, 21 at 11:10pm
W.H.O is corrupt as heck. I am not against a global effort to tackle issues but not with organizations that have hidden vital information on COVID-19. I am talking about their early exchanges with China and blindly parroting them when they said COVID-19 was not spreading person to person. Say what you will about Trump and you may have some decent points but he was the first world leader to close off travel from China. In other news the US officially recognizes that China is committing Genocide. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/us/politics/trump-china-xinjiang.html I remember before news of corona virus made it to world news, I was watching the Hong Kong protest closely and came across a ton of videos about a mysterious virus spreading in China. I remember the initial numbers coming in about the Virus after it finally was getting reported and in my opinion that virus had been around awhile. As far as I know there has been no credible investigation into China's claims about the virus origins yet. There really should be. All of this makes me think China needs to be put under control.
Jan 23, 21 at 11:12pm
@jacobI89 you are entirely right man so in December 2019 i heard about a virus in china. In January-feb a cruise ship with a mysterious virus was prevented from entering the US. By march covid was world wide.
flare3 @flare3 commented on News
Jan 23, 21 at 11:13pm
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Jan 23, 21 at 11:14pm
@flare3 yes i believe he had nothing to do with it. Since the race war was ALREADY a thing before he was in office. It just escalated more after george floyd.
flare3 @flare3 commented on News
Jan 23, 21 at 11:14pm
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Jan 23, 21 at 11:16pm
This goes way back to Trayvon martin and all that. Just nobody cared until george floyd, cuz they had actual evidence of a dude being smothered to death and not just shot. Trump didnt do anything he just kept on with his pro police views, which yes made things worse. But either way they were gonna be bad.
flare3 @flare3 commented on News
Jan 23, 21 at 11:19pm
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Jacob @jacobl89 commented on News
Jan 23, 21 at 11:21pm
This race war stuff has been building for awhile. Idk if you can fairly blame Trump and not other presidents. Everything that lead up to this was preventable. Joe Bidens crime bill, the war on drugs, absolutely neglect of police reform. Trump isn't innocent but as president you generally have to wait on the legislative branch or the judicial. There was some stuff he absolutely could have done but previous presidents also did not act.
Jan 23, 21 at 11:22pm
I don't like Trump but Pandas right about the race war it was already a thing Trump's handle of the protests tho wasn't as good which imo led to more riots than would've happened because since the police were afraid of riots breaking out Trump gave police the go ahead to fire(rubber bullets and tear gas) on peaceful protesters upsetting more people creating more riots i'm not saying he caused the riots he just made them worse
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