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Jan 20, 21 at 5:32pm
Do you not understand the difference between legal free speech and the philosophical free speech that you speak of? @Pandus
Jan 20, 21 at 5:33pm
Alephy bbygirl im addressing 2 people at once XD give me a minute
Plus he was at first only momentarily suspended
I think it was only supposed to last for a day
Jan 20, 21 at 5:34pm
For like maybe 3 days until they decided permanently
Jan 20, 21 at 5:34pm
Here's a lawyer basically saying the exact same thing I just said. @hell_hound7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp6pQQMNeMs&ab_channel=LegalEagle
I love that guy
Lamby @momoichi commented on News
Jan 20, 21 at 5:41pm
legal eagle is another blessing
Jan 20, 21 at 5:42pm
1st amendment: "Congress shall make no law...thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech". Read carefully what the 1st amendment says, the government can't infringe your speech. But a private business can infringe you free speech, thus kick you out their property. Just look at MaiOtaku. Why are trolls banned off this site? Aren't trolls free speech rights being infringed? Ah well you see. The trolls are saying mean things. Well hold on? Now your just censoring trolls for hurting your feelings. The owner can ban whomever they like from this site for any reason. I can disagree with the banning. You can disagree with the banning. But an owner can pretty much do whatever they like with their property. Which includes kicking them out.
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