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Jan 20, 21 at 5:07pm
And i DO mean for everyone's sake after what the "trump supporters" did at the Capitol im pretty sure biden needs to be on his p's and Q's any wrong move and he will be eaten alive by anyone who didnt agree to his presidency in the first place.
Jan 20, 21 at 5:08pm
Basically got the hot seat treatment that trump got for his presidency
Jan 20, 21 at 5:09pm
From a philosophical perspective. I don't agree on Trump getting banned from social media. But from a completely legal constitutional perspective. Social media companies can ban whomever they like. Social media is not the government. Social media is a private business. Government cannot infringe upon your free speech. But a private business has the option not to do business with you. It is a business decision. It's like the following analogy. Go into a Starbucks and start yelling out random nonsense. Starbucks has every right to kick you out. What is the opposing argument. The Starbucks is infringing on the customers free speech. Yes, the Starbucks can kick anyone off their property for almost any reason. Just like no shirt, no shoes, no service. It is the same with these social medias companies. It is a private business and therefore private property. A business can kick you out their property and thus out their platform. A private business is not the government. I still want to reiterate. I know people will misunderstand what I said. From a philosophical perspective. On the spirit if what is free speech. I don't agree on Trump getting banned from social media. But a private business is not the government. They can pretty much ban you from their own house.
One can also argue that Trump incited violence which isn't protected speech
Jan 20, 21 at 5:17pm
I feel the whole private business thing is a massive cop out. Think about it, radio, rv, internet. All of them have a private business. Without this its basically a "if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it did it make a sound" scenario. If he says something as president of the United states and no one airs it did he even get his message across? Saying the government cant enforce free speech through american companies, is like saying they cant force you to pay taxes cuz ur self employed. Both are illegal, you cannot infringe on people's rights same way you cant stop paying taxes.
Jan 20, 21 at 5:20pm
In many instances terms of services were updated after the fact and then they were just removed. Same with parler, yeah i get it private business but parler did not do anything illegal. I feel its a system thats being manipulated and one day will lead to a loophole in one of our own amendments. Basically ccp right under our noses.
Jan 20, 21 at 5:22pm
Almost everything you said about how free speech legally works was wrong.
Ok but either way again many are arguing he incited violence which the constitution states "Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial speech such as advertising." And let me tell you I read every single one of Trump's tweets from the moment he lost the election and he definitely incited violence one that really stuck with me was when he retweeted something that said something along the lines of going and protesting on January 6 and to not forget ur 2nd amendment rights
Jan 20, 21 at 5:23pm
"Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction." And trump was infact censored
"Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas" well he was passing his idea and opinions as fact which in fact incited violence
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