Got Insomnia?

Veru @verucassault
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Got Insomnia?
Veru @verucassault

Epic @epicram2500
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Got Insomnia?
Epic @epicram2500
Definitely sporadic for me.. it's been more then 2 weeks now of struggling to sleep, it's creeping up on me hard this time, it's messing with my head.

RT @rtae86
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Got Insomnia?
RT @rtae86
Fortunately I never had problems sleeping and sometimes I scare myself by how many hours I can sleep a day.
Waking up in the middle of the night? No problem, I go back to sleep in 5 seconds.
But lately something has changed. It's not unusual for me to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom because I drink a lot of water. I go and then go back to bed and sleep like a rock again. But lately instead of going to sleep I unintentionally pick up my phone and start going through my socials, including MO. A few minutes later I get the "wtf am I doing" tingle, put the phone down and go back to sleep.
It's really weird and never happened before, only recently (like 2 or 3 months ago). It's being happening almost everyday.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Got Insomnia?
yaasshat @yaasshat

RT @rtae86
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Got Insomnia?
RT @rtae86
@yaasshat I don't think it's addiction, I can go for long periods of time without checking the phone. I don't get that many notifications so there's no need for constantly checking. What I find weird is that this only happens when I'm half asleep and for a couple minutes I don't even realize what I'm doing. Almost like a very short day dream idk

Veru @verucassault
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Got Insomnia?
Veru @verucassault
My sleeping has been off since we came back from Japan. At first it was readjusting to the time difference but now it's because my dog's coughing has gotten worse. I wake up every time he has a coughing fit to pet him or stroke his neck and chest to help ease his coughing. He was diagnosed with tracheal collapse a few months ago and he was prescribed a cough suppressant that we were giving him maybe 2 or 3 times a week. We were gone 3 weeks and due to some mishap while we were gone, he now needs them regularly and multiple times a day. Now we are in-between pharmacies and he only has 2 left. I've been taking care of him nonstop since we picked him up. I sleep for 2-3 hours then wake up, then try to sleep more but wake up again. I have a work trip tomorrow and I seriously don't know what's going to happen while I'm gone.

Veru @verucassault
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Got Insomnia?
Veru @verucassault

Veru @verucassault
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Got Insomnia?
Veru @verucassault
My insomnia is making me seethe my rage out online in comment form.

Pete Zahut @criselington
commented on
Got Insomnia?
Pete Zahut @criselington
Oh that insomnia rage, I feel that. It's an annoying kind of rage haha

georfeyboi @georfeyboi
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Got Insomnia?
georfeyboi @georfeyboi
I've never been officially diagnosed but I've had trouble sleeping since I was a kid. I used to often play with my teddies until I fell asleep sitting up and such. I went through the entirety of high-school with 2 hours or less of sleep per night. Maybe because of that I seem to have gotten used to it, and as I've gotten older it's not so much lack of sleep but the matter of when I sleep that's become an issue and often gets in the way of my social life and such. Just the other week I was up for 48hrs no issue and easily could've been up longer if I didn't kind of force myself to sleep. The only solution I've ever had is to just wait until I feel worn out enough to collapse then force myself to stay awake until the time I want to sleep and "reset" my sleeping habits that way
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