Obligatory Awkward Intro
swigga @swigga
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
swigga @swigga
thats fair everyone has their tastes. You must like persona then? Seeing how much slice of life that has to offer
Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
Welcome, Curious Soul
Cottania @cottania
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
Cottania @cottania
Yup! Played Persona 3, 4 and 5. ALso played Arena and Ultimax a great deal
ludgerkresnik @ludgerkresnik
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
ludgerkresnik @ludgerkresnik
Thanks, Audio-senpai :v
swigga @swigga
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
swigga @swigga
Good deal! It’s truly a great series. Hoping to get persona 5 Royal when it comes out at the end of the month
Cottania @cottania
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
Cottania @cottania
Atm Im pre-occupied with Princess Connect, Granblue Fantasy and GBF Versus, but seeing as I PLatinum Trophied Persona 5, I'll probably get it next paycheck
swigga @swigga
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
swigga @swigga
Sounds like you have your hands full lol. I’ve yet to plat it myself still need to go back and do that. (I trophy hunt even though there isn’t much reason to do so xD)
Cottania @cottania
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
Cottania @cottania
When I find a game I like, I like to see all it has to offer. As long as the trophies aren't obscene (*cough* Mugen Souls)
ludgerkresnik @ludgerkresnik
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
ludgerkresnik @ludgerkresnik
I actually own Persona 5 but when I say that Royal was to be released soon I decided to wait it out, looks amazing though.
swigga @swigga
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Obligatory Awkward Intro
swigga @swigga
I feel that lol I started Magen souls z awhile back but haven’t got too far into before I went to something else xD
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