What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
Vagene @ahuman
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What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
Vagene @ahuman
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Fuck you MO @draig
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What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
Fuck you MO @draig
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Wik @wik
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What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
Wik @wik
I am not sure which was the first one, but it was either the first super mario, or legend of zelda.
It was all in Japanese coz my console was this one. LoL
Vagene @ahuman
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What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
Vagene @ahuman
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八幡神 @naofumi94
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What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
八幡神 @naofumi94
Nintendo 64. My three first games were Pokémon snap, Pokémon stadium and hydro thunder
Wik @wik
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What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
Wik @wik
@ahuman I don't think I finished either one to be honest. xD
Super Mario 3. Now that one, was awesome, and I finished it xD
kirito_ren @kirito_ren
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What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
kirito_ren @kirito_ren
I've only finished sonic 2 once, with sonic haha
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