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School RP

"Ill be right back gotta see if I can find that damn guy who called pet control
"And sleepy"
*Walks down hall* *Sees person with meat on stick and pillow + garbage lid* "Oh so your the bastard wh called pet control?"
Bastard.... kid... there is a wolf in the halls , and if you have not noticed .... this here is a school... where kid's are .... and i don't think its bring your pet to school day now is it ? ... *thinks to himself* as if someone would even bring a damned wolf to school but i'm in a hurry kid , i got to lure this wolf off of school grounds ... *lightly pushes kid aside and runs off*
Grabs his shirt " Not so fast that wolf means a lot to the girll I like so if your gonna get In my way then I'll kill you..."
*EYes go dark*
Jan 30, 20 at 3:52pm
*sits in room*
Jan 30, 20 at 3:54pm
*walks out limping*
*grabs you by the collar and lifts you up* look here kid... i'm responsible for what happens on these here grounds ,so i'm going to lure this wolf off of the school grounds if you like it or not ... Or would you rather have it biting some children and get put down ...? If your friends like the animal so much she can pick it up OUTSIDE of the school grounds... And another thing ... *get a bit closer to whisper* Killing a faculty member could get both of you in a heap of trouble... *sets you back down*
Jan 30, 20 at 3:55pm
*growls lowly*
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