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Gangsta RP

Jan 26, 20 at 4:56pm
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Jan 26, 20 at 4:57pm
dude these people cant even make up funny trans jokes >lel attack helicopter >lel only 2 genders >lel did you assume my gender theyr like npc's, they only have three canned responses if your gonna be transphobic be funny about it
Jan 26, 20 at 4:58pm
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Jan 26, 20 at 4:59pm
Now we're on trans?
Jan 26, 20 at 4:59pm
are you just making up words at this point? https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-709635-1-mlfw3364-swag600.gif
Jan 26, 20 at 4:59pm
@ghost, i just wish people could be clever with trans jokes its always the same shit, never anything new
I love trans people but I also love trans jokes fight me >w>
I like to call trans people chickien tenders because they are also boneless.
Jan 26, 20 at 5:03pm
racist, sexist, tranist, is funny when its funny >w> but im sick of hearing these three jokes over and over so unoriginal if your gonna be a bigot atleast make me laugh
Just rember about 10 years ago all the social justice warriors made fun of them so In away they are hypocrites
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