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My perfect ideal dream woman.

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Ok, calm down. No one ever offended anyone in this thread. Also, threads are made for people to give their PERSONAL opinions about it. It doesn't necessarily have to be based on something neither it has to be a pleasant response for the OP. This also applies in real life. How do you learn something? How do you know if you are wrong about something? You need other opinions to know this. If you want someone to sympathize and agree with everything you do and say, you will never grow as a person. People must learn how to accept other opinions since is not their fault having an own mind and complete unique behavior. Of course, I'm saying this because is not fair to insult those people just because they are not suited to be your friends. That's childish in my opinion. Plus, most of the responses were jokes. Don't take things like this too personal nevertheless on a non serious thread.
Ummm...What? Seriously, I have no clue what you just said or tried to say. EDIT: Spot on maria. :)
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This account has been suspended.
Blah blah blah yeah whatever idk why this fight started tbh but can we please not do this? Im starting to think some people here just like causing drama for no reason cause they are always the center of an argument just drop it and move on
Sep 28, 15 at 1:32pm
Over sensitivity is a common illness these days. Some people can't deal with the least bit of criticism. It's easier than actual self reflection.
Creepy, no one is telling you to leave, just calm down a bit. Yass means no harm, read again the posts. Don't act so recklessly, just try to talk to him and try to understand him. You will be surprised how much you can learn treating someone different with manners and interest. I'm not against you, I'm just trying to let you see things how they are being truly showed to you.
I don't believe that. As I stated a few post back, the person who created this thread didn't say nothing about wanting people's criticism/Judgement or whatever, about what he posted. He simply posted about his dream girl. People just post their opinion anyways and it turns out they were making fun of him.
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