Project Renegades (Working Title)
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
Project Renegades (Working Title)
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
It sounds like you've tried mashing every plausibly good idea you've ever had in together, and ngl it reads like you're on rittalin. You should refine it then you might have a gemstone in there.
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
Also 7 maguffins is just chunnibyou levels of bad numerology. Do they all have specific functions, inter-item relations, or did you just pick 7 because it sounded cool?
AspieChu @projectotakux
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
AspieChu @projectotakux
I picked 7 since it is a significant number in biblical texts. 7 days and nights of creation and 7 signs of the apocalypse
animegamenerd @animegamenerd
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
animegamenerd @animegamenerd
This is the exact kind of genre I read. I think it will be very exciting and would gain my interest. It gives me a Dystopia feel with the dying city aspect.
AspieChu @projectotakux
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
AspieChu @projectotakux
@twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm ...and also the 5 elements of fire water wind earth and void from the Japanese texts Book of Five rings, plus Dark and Light.
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
It's still a very overused system. Chaos emerald's, dragon ball's ect. Off the top of my head, 4 and 12 have biblical connotations (horsemen of the apocalypse, and apostles respectively.) Also if you want to use biblical time, 40 seems nicer in my opinion (will also say this is actually my nice tone sorry if I sound like an ass)
AspieChu @projectotakux
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
AspieChu @projectotakux
@twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm Trust me I wasn't taking offense. Though wouldn't more than like 10 make things to convoluted? not trying to be too defensive just asking?
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
Totally possible if you over explain each one. However if you have a reserve of them, you can include ones with next to no information given about them. When it comes to fantasy, I find the hardest part is to resist shoving exposition down the readers throat. If they don't want to know, or need to then simply don't saves you both about lot of aggro in the expository department
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
twentyfirstcenturyscizoidm @twentyfirstcenturyscizoidman
For example, I wrote a story about superpowers (the maguffins were butterflys)
In this story existed the long lost utopia of Eden. Would've housed about 50 power uses in entirely. I gave away 2 of their powers. All you knew about 3 through 50 is "they were too weak to be of notability"
That's the kind of data dodging I'm talking about here
AspieChu @projectotakux
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Project Renegades (Working Title)
AspieChu @projectotakux
Hmm. Definitely interesting insight so far. I appreciate it. Will refine what I can. :).
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