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How would you react if you woke up naked to the person above?

What the fuck indeed but in my defense they attacked me
No I mean how do you cockblock yourself that's weird as hell
Well it's like if i like a girl and try to get with her in that way i start to feel guiltier and guiltier and guiltier until i wanna die but that's only if i don't have strong feelings for the person there's a whole list of reasons as to why I'm like this but I'd rather not talk about that so far there's only been 1 girl i felt that strongly for but she ended things before we did anything anyways this thread is off topic, so how you doin
Jesus I was having a good day until just now what the fuck
But then you reminded that that life is limited and we should fear god
If I woke up naked to you I would be terrified
Get up boy - time for some videogames! :D https://c.tenor.com/gnuwhpqbR2EAAAAd/gorillaz-pac-man.gif
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