What type of weapons are you into

xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
Under folders are my weakness, gonna try and build one from scratch for my cheapo air gun that's coming in the mail in a couple days.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
Lamby @momoichi
..... see what i did there

xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites

Well I'll be damned, I can't figure out a way to make that without some pretty complex tools. Bummer

carooli_chan @carooli_chan
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
carooli_chan @carooli_chan
Swords and knives. Guns too.

xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
All of those are my specialty, well I'm slowly getting into guns lol

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Firearms are my specialty, any questions and I'd be able to help out. Especially Eastern Bloc.

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
Polearms and chained weaponry, in general. Especially spears, kusarigama and chained sword (extremely impratical). I also have a liking for the Twin Sword.

xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
@dyadka var when I get my firearms license I'm thinking of getting a Makarov and an ak, probably a yugo ak since they're the most popular here. Anything to look out for other that cast trunnions and barrels?

Amir @amir_bahram
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
Amir @amir_bahram
Futuristic revolvers have my heart https://i.ani.me/0350/4900/68522a4f2e77af26449ef388aa4189c3.jpg

Rokas @sparkis
commented on
What type of weapons are you into
Rokas @sparkis
post that on Afterlife
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