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Free advice for those who need it

Because I cant block the crap you post on forums lmao, thats not how this site works.
I meaning can just dump the like trash. But however if you have a heated argument with someone you care about. I recommend take a few moment to collect your thoughts, and allow the other person to do the same Once you're calm, express your anger and frustration in a assertive and nonconfronttional way. So you can avoid to hurt em and keep your friendship
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Dang Bruce, thats actually decent advice. Thank you.
@safespace Not offended at all. Did not even know you had posted it. Was just saying what I said.
anybody who got triggered is retarded
@safespace your interaction didn't go well. It happens, cool off and come back later. You'll meet plenty of other people. You don't need to harass anyone.
I didn't harass anyone, don't know where you got this
I think the whole alpha/beta thing is nonsense but there are points where you can take passiveness TOO far which comes off as just general weakness, everyone can benefit from having some "alpha" aspects like being able to set boundaries, standing up for themselves and those around them when necessary and just generally being firm and decisive. It isn't exactly fiction that people will respect you more for having those qualities versus someone who's wishy-washy, a general follower and yes-man/woman, does not set clear boundaries when it comes to other people, etc. But yeah, at the same time you don't need to be overly aggressive or anything dumb like that to exhibit those qualities
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