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Free advice for those who need it

@Laffantion Bro join this cool website called Maiotaku. JK check out the matches or get a Tinder account detailing what you're looking for
What Onizuka said, I prefer to try and get better by myself. I'll let the doctor option as a last option :P
@ren ask on reddit
There's a lot of doctors and nurses on there
That's actually a great idea, didn't thought about that, thanks :p
Not a doctor @ren but how igot over my social anxiety was i threw myself into a position where i didnt have any other option. I used to be afraid to leave the house, didnt like calling over the phone stuff like that. Try going for a job or something where you are forced to talk to people everyday and get out every day. I doubt the "doctors" of reddit will help with social anxiety. Just give advice, its up to you honestly to change
@Ren have you checked any mental health clinics in your area? They could help you.
Yep Panda, I'm trying to put myself in as much social interactions as possible, and I think that soon, I'll be able to have even more of them. I already noticed that if I have to talk with someone, and there's no way around it, I can talk to them pretty much normally, so I'm trying to do that more. Also, coming to this site was an awesome idea, I almost lost my anxiety of talking with people on the internet, by typing :p
@ren yeah man you just need some time doing that, try to go out more when people invite you and stuff like that. it will become normal for you in no time. I feel like a period where you have jo social interaction makes it hard to get back into it
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