How would you react if the above user rejected you

K A M I H A S B E E N F R @kxgami_gxng
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
K A M I H A S B E E N F R @kxgami_gxng
This account has been suspended.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
How would you react if the above user rejected you
Laffantion @laffantion
gay avoided +10xp

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
commented on
How would you react if the above user rejected you
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
This is actually profit for me.
Never thought rejection could be so good!

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Meh, too young.
Do not want.

Cero @cero
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
I'd be okay
Still friends?

Cero @cero
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
This account has been suspended.

eggan @megann
commented on
How would you react if the above user rejected you
eggan @megann
yeets tf outta there

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
How would you react if the above user rejected you
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Why Megan?
How could you do this to senpai?
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