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Speedish dating

Aug 06, 19 at 8:05am
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I won't close up profile acceptance I will keep this going. So if Saturday some men can't be paired cuz of the imbalance I'm hoping more women will come during Saturday and on going while the pair ups go through their three day try ups. Unless there are more men who would date men. Then I'll try pairing them up since they are willing to date the same gender.
Age 24 Name lena Pet peeve : judgemental Im into : both genders Undesirable trait : disabled Desirable trait : mostly open minded Trait sought after : being ones true self Age gap : 19yrs-45yrs old
Age: 30 (Optional) Name: A pet peeve:smacking lips really drives me insane. One trait you're attracted to: creativity. The tolerable age Gap willing to date: 25-37 (Optional)One of your good traits that would be considered desirable in a relationship: I enjoy being around the one I'm dating. I won't put them in ice for days unless something serious came up in my life that I would have to deal with. (Optional)One of your bad traits most people usually don't like:I have a tendency to be clingy at times. (Optional)Men, women, or both: Men Hmm... I'll make my name last in pairing. I want to pair everyone else up first .
Uhm, hi im excaliborg! :D
UWU!!! this looks fun... oh I read the rules... sorry to disturb...
Aug 07, 19 at 1:45am
Good luck ppl~~http://wx3.sinaimg.cn/large/87d788b2gy1g5ors0gzthg207005agsz.gif
Aug 07, 19 at 1:49am
Sad that Snake is only looking for girls..
Aug 07, 19 at 1:51am
And Panda, too. I'm crushed.
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