Good looking people
AyeBoss @gurren921
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Good looking people
AyeBoss @gurren921
I think to sum things up here is to find clothes you like, whatever they may be, and to be confident! :) be the you that believes in you!!
Gabbah @gabbah
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Good looking people
Gabbah @gabbah
if the personality fits me both. If not no one
Excaliborg @excaliborg
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Good looking people
Excaliborg @excaliborg
^ Halo has a point lmao, and i wear a lot of sweaters to oback then! even on summer! sweaters are good
Gabbah @gabbah
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Good looking people
Gabbah @gabbah
@BurningHalo i think shes trying to prove a point here.
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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Good looking people
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Isn’t using that pic a framing Strat for confirmation bias out of an unrealistic hypothetical?
Charlie, Emperor of Audio @suzi_swan
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Good looking people
Charlie, Emperor of Audio @suzi_swan
What's the rest of them look like? Because if he's got a cute ass I won't be looking at his face much.
Mary @maryfab78
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Good looking people
Mary @maryfab78
Girls version
Gabbah @gabbah
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Good looking people
Gabbah @gabbah
@Excaliborg sweaters are the shit!
Nini @mikan_kat
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Good looking people
Nini @mikan_kat
Depends on where the date is, I ain’t going to no beach
Nini @mikan_kat
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Good looking people
Nini @mikan_kat
I love oversized sweaters even the ugly ones . They always comfy. Thou in summer I might cook sothey have to stay home only
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